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I AM NOT DEAD!!! Just really lazy and didn't have a clue on how to write what I wanted to write. 

This is my first update in A MONTH! so please don't hate me for this being quite possibly the shortest chapter of this story. I like where it ended and couldn't think of anything else to add.

How is everyone? Harry's album officially comes out tomorrow and I am so excited! 

I love you all so so so much and how you have a great whatever! :*



-Third Person's Point of View-

Harry and Braelynn-Juliette walked into their house after being gone for two days, staying at Anne's, after Harry and Louis' argument.

Harry stopped right inside the door, glancing around the house, instantly noticing how clean it was and thinking to himself, "what the hell? I've never known Louis to clean?"

He turned to Braelynn-Juliette and the look on her face showed she was confused as well. Whenever Louis cleaned, it was only ever picking up dishes or loading/unloading the dishwasher. He never did a full cleaning of the house.

Deciding to leave the thought for later, Harry grabbed his suitcase and walked to his and Louis' shared room, figuring that's where Louis would be.

When he opened the door, however, he instantly noticed Louis wasn't there, and neither was his own blanket. He and Louis have two different blankets because neither of them share covers very well so they had decided to get two different blankets.

Harry was ultimately confused. Louis wasn't on the couch, and he wasn't in here, and Harry's blanket was missing, so where was Louis?

Harry dismissed the thought and decided to unpack his suitcase. He took out all of his dirty clothes and threw them into the laundry basket, which was empty, meaning Louis did laundry too. He refolded the clean stuff and put them into his dresser. Harry took his bathroom products and put them in the bathroom where they go.

When he finished completely unpacking, he shoved the suitcase under the bed.


When Harry had when to his room, Braelynn went up to her own room to unpack her suitcase. On her way up, she noticed that the guest room door, which was usually closed, was halfway open. She pushed it opened and gasped when she saw that her papa was lying on the bed, her pillow underneath his head and Harry's blanket wrapped around his form.

Braelynn shook her head at the scene and walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly on her way. She walked to her parent's room, where she knew Harry was and knocked before she entered. Harry was sat on the bed, looking a tad distressed for some reason.

"He's in the guest room," Braelynn said to her dad. Harry looked at her, confused. "Papa's in the guest room."

"Why would he be in there?" Harry asked. Braelynn shrugged in reply.

"I don't know but he's got your blanket and my pillow," she told him. Harry nodded, stood up and walked out of the room and to the kitchen, where he made a cup of tea for himself and for Louis.

When he was done with that he walked to the room with the mugs and opened the door, walking in and setting the mugs on the nightstand right next to the bed. Harry then climbed into the bed beside Louis and cuddling his form close to him.

The move instantly woke up Louis who instantly woke up and when he noticed it was Harry, he began apologizing about the situation.

"Shush, Louis, we'll talk later, but for now I want to cuddle my fiance whom I haven't seen for a couple of days," Harry told him gently. Louis accepts it without arguing even though he doesn't want to wait to talk. He just doesn't want to make him more angry than he may be.

After a long while of them just laying together and enjoying each other's company and warmth, Harry decides that it's a good time to talk.

Louis tells him basically what he had told Niall. How he felt he wasn't good enough, how he knew something bad was going to happen because of him and it did. He told him how all he could think about is how the baby would've looked, how he would've acted. Would he look more like Harry? More like himself? Or would he look like a good mix of the both of them? He told Harry how it made him feels worse having baby weight but no baby to show for it. Louis told him how he feels like a disappointment, and that he didn't mean to ignore them, he'd just been stuck in a world of self-hatred and pain.

Harry hugs his older fiance and begins to say, "I need to apologize to you as well. I shouldn't have walked out on you like that. I probably just added to the pain you were feeling. Especially because I took Braelynn-Juliette with me."

In reply, Louis tells Harry softly, "You don't have to apologize, Haz, you had every right to act the way you did."

Harry tells Louis to shush about the situation because it's all done and over with.

Soon they both fall asleep together, because neither had been sleeping well lately, their tea and problems forgotten as they slept together, for the first time in a couple of days. 

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