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Your POV
I opened my eyes. My head throbbed viciously, and the light pouring in the window certainly didn't help either. The room was in disarray. There were sheets all over the other side of my room, arranged in a giant lump. Groaning, I got to my feet and walked over, beginning to pick up the blankets. Suddenly a groan came from beneath, and crying out I dropped everything and ran out to where my mother stood.
"Y/n! You're awake, thank goodness! I'm sorry about your room sweetheart, much happened last night and we had to accommodate." She swept me into a calming hug, stroking the back of my head as she breathed deeply into my neck. I relaxed, my head resting on her shoulder. We could've stayed like that forever, but another groan from the other room brought us all back to attention.
"Mum-" I began to ask about it, but she was already going, grabbing a flask of water and hurrying into my room. Left to the silence of the deserted valley, I walked outside to clear my head and relax.
"You must be y/n." I jumped in alarm as I was addressed. A man in brown robes was standing there, leaning against the rough wall. His beard and hair were trimmed, and he had kind, sparkling eyes. After getting over the initial scare, I took a breath and answered him.
"Yes I am. How did you know that?"
He chuckled and straightened up, standing so I could face him head on. He was tall, and well built. "I'm sorry for startling you," he began, bowing slightly to show his apology. "You probably have many questions. Let me explain the events of last night:
My name is Obi Wan Kenobi. Me and my...companion, Anakin, were sent here to go into the Sith Academy. We landed, as planned, but what we didn't plan for were the traps laid for us. Our ship blew to bits. Anakin was injured and choking on dust, and our only escape was down the cliff side-"
"Wait," I interrupt him briefly, brimming with curiosity and awe. "You escaped down the cliff side?"
He chuckled to himself and smiled kindly at me, his green eyes twinkling. He was nice to talk to, with his friendly gestures and kind features. In a way, I realized he reminded me of my father.
"Yes we did," he said grinning with suppressed laughter. "And then I dragged an unconscious Anakin here. I didn't expect to find anyone here, but I could feel the heat of life. We came and the first person I found was your mother. She treated Anakin's wounds and allowed us to take shelter here."
I nod slowly, taking in what he said. "So, was Anakin the groaning lump in my room?"
With a big grin he laughed. "Yes, the groaning lump was Anakin. He should be up by now, would you like to meet him?"
"Sure," I said, smiling back at him. He gently guided his arm around my shoulders and walked me back inside the hut. Warm sunlight filled the main room, making it look light and peaceful. Everything feels peaceful right now, when I think about it. I haven't felt this light and free since, well, since we came here. It's a nice change.
My mother walked out of my room, followed by a tall young man. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as soon as he looked at me. He had a tiny ponytail on the back of his head, but that wasn't what had my attention. His stance was broad and strong. He had deep brown eyes that seemed to be piercing everything they touched. I could almost feel his gaze reaching inside my mind, my thoughts. Defined cheekbones stood out on his face, and his full lips were resting in a light pout. Wow...
"Y/n, this is Anakin. Him and Obi Wan will be staying here for a while. Is that alright with you?" She looked at me expectantly, with raised eyebrows and questioning eyes. I could barely register what she had said. Anakin was staring at me, and his heated gaze was rendering me thoughtless. What...
"Oh! Sure," I barely get the words out without laughing out of embarrassment. I need to clear my head, and soon.
"So...uh, may I be excused? I wanted to go walking."
My mother examined me with pondering eyes, and for a moment, I thought she'd say no. But finally she nodded, and I bowed and quietly left.
Being outside is a huge relief. The Sun is hot on my back and the earth is warm against my feet. I love walking through the valley. Sometimes, I venture into the small caves nearby. Inside, there are often statues, of previous Sith Lords, and relics. Inside its dead silent. I like to venture in for the quiet, where there are no worries and I can be free.
I plop down on the ground, beneath an overhanging ledge. The rock is soothing and smooth against my back, and the heat makes me drowsy. Closing my eyes, I rest my head back and relax...
The voice is low, and smooth. Although my heart leaps, it didn't startle me to hear my name off those sweet lips. Opening my eyes, I see Anakin towering over me, his thick eyebrows raised and his lips curled into a sweet smile. I was so busy staring at him I completely forgot to reply. He raised an eyebrow at me quizzically, and I felt heat rush to my face as I realized what I had done.
"Oh! Sorry about that, I was a little lost in thought..." I struggled to find the right words to say, as I knew my face was burning red. He smirked at me, and it made me extremely angry.
"I was just coming to see if you were okay, but I see you're a little flushed. From the Sun, I'm sure." He started laughing at his "funny" joke. I on the other hand, didn't find it amusing at all.
"Excuse me? At least I wasn't the one following me into the Valley."
He stopped laughing and squinted at me, his eyes glinting.
"You're a sassy little one, aren't you?" He chuckled, and smiled. I couldn't help but laugh in spite of being angry.
"I guess so," I said grinning. I felt something strange. It was as if my heart was fluttering inside my chest. How odd.
He looked at me, and opened his mouth as if to say something, when suddenly-
"Y/n!" My mother called from the distance. Anakin offered me his hand, and with a strong pull he lifted me onto my feet. We dashed back to the hut, the setting Sun bright against the dull outline of our village. We were gone for a longer time than I thought.
"Y/n." She spoke, softly this time, and tucked my (h/l) (h/c) hair behind my ear tenderly. "It's been a long day. Why don't you rest now?"
As soon as the words left her mouth I felt the wear of the day hit me. I WAS tired. She kissed the soft skin on my forehead as she pulled me into her arms. I was tired, but happy to have such a loving mother. Pulling away at last, I waved goodnight to all and went to lay down.
As soon as my head hit the ground, my eyes were closed. But I could hear a soft exchanging of words from outside my "door":...

The Path Of Darkness, Or The Path Of Love? (AnakinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now