The Aftermath

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I feel weak. Weaker than I've ever felt before. It's as if the earth is being yanked out from beneath me, and I'm just falling down, down to unknown depths. And God, does it hurt.
I have no clue what has happened to my mother, or what has happened to the rest of the village. And it hurts me knowing they are probably dead or wishing they were dead.
I sit, lost in thought, until a quiet knock on the door comes.
Anakin walks in, his eyes filled with worry. His tone is gentle, as if talking to a young child. I can't bring myself to answer him. Instead, I stare into his eyes, boring all of my pain and sorrow into my gaze. He obviously senses the pain, because he reaches for me and pulls me into an embrace. I'm sitting, so my legs are around his and my face is buried in his chest. His warmth is soothing. And his smell, he smells like...home. Like comfort and peace. I wish we could sit like this forever, but I know we can't.
"Your mother is with your father now." He says it so suddenly that I have to think about the words before I realize what he's trying to tell me.
"She's, d-dead?"
He grimaces and looks into my eyes, brushing a (h/c) strand of hair from my face. "Well...yes. But I mean physically as well as spiritually."
"Anakin, I don't understand..."
Anakin sighs and looked up at the ceiling, breathing deeply and slowly. Whatever he wants to say, it obviously isn't easy.
"Your mother, she went to your father's grave. That's where she wanted to die. And that's where she died. She was dead before the Sith could ever taint her body with their dark weapons."
My eyes go wide with shock. I can't believe what I'm hearing.
"You mean, sh-she killed herself-"
"Y/n, calm down please. Let me speak."
I want to scream and push him away but I know that if I want answers to my questions, I'll have to hear him out. So biting my lip, I nod. A few stray tears slip down my cheeks as he begins to speak.
"Obi Wan and I had a vision. Through the Force. We knew that the Sith were coming that day. After conferencing with your mother, we knew what she wanted. She begged us to protect you, to take care of you. But she knew her time was up. So she went to your father's grave, and lost her will to live." Anakin looks at me, with pain filled eyes. "I know this is a lot to take in, but know that your mother loved you a lot. She wanted the best for you y/n! And now she can rest peacefully with her love." With the last words, he puts a gentle hand to my face, wiping the tears that formed rivers on my face. I close my eyes, trying to process everything.
"When they talked at night, what did they mean about training?"
Anakin jerked toward me with a look of surprise. "Um, what are you talking about? Where did you hear that?"
"I heard them talking at night. They whispered just loudly enough for me to overhear something about training."
Anakin sighed, and gently took my hands in his, rubbing small circles with his thumbs in an attempt to comfort me.
"Look," he says, staring into my eyes passionately. "It's not something you need to worry about right now. But, if you really need to know, open your Father's box. Okay y/n?" He said my name with such caring gentleness, as he pulled me in for another embrace. I bury my face in his shoulder and breath his scent in heavily. Being in his arms, I feel safe, and warm, and at peace. Then, I feel his lips come in contact with my forehead, soft and caressing as they rested there.
"Anakin! I need your assistance." Obi Wan called from the cockpit, and Anakin looked at me with a passionate gaze.
"Everything will be alright y/n." And with that, he bowed and exited quickly.
As soon as he left I scrambled for my father's box. I've been waiting my whole life to open this, and it has something to do with the training they talked about? I need to know. I life the lid and pull out...
A light saber.

Hi guys!
So I'm sorry that this was probably a bad chapter, it's late and I can't sleep. I hope you guys are enjoying the story? Make sure to comment any feedback or suggestions you have.
Ily all!!!!! <3
-Holli (Carson)

Side note, I do prefer to go by Carson, but whatever suits you all :)

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