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I stare in shock at the shining metal handle in my hand. Of course I knew what it was when I saw it, I had seen plenty of these with the Dark Jedi who would attack our scavenging groups. But why was it in my father's box? Why was this the big secret that everyone didn't want me to know?
I run my fingers across the ridged edge of it, feeling the cold metal slide smoothly beneath my touch. It was enamoring to hold something so powerful in my hands. So this has to do with my training? I think to myself. But what does it mean?
Then, I realize. What no one had told me before.
My Father was a Jedi.
I feel afraid suddenly. The only thing I had ever seen the Jedi do is kill. They took my friends, my people, and my things away from me. They took my life away! And my father...
"He was one of them," I whisper the words almost inaudibly, but loud enough that I could be sure they were real.
I had always held my father in the highest regards. He was like a hero to me. He gave to the needy, trained obediently, and still had time to come home to his wife and daughter to whisper words of love and give gestures of kindness. I couldn't see him being one of these..these...killing bastards.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Anakin is propped up against the doorway, in fresh, unwrinkled robes. His eyes bore into mine, and I can sense the fear in his gaze.
"I-I..." I start to make an excuse for my distress, but I know that I won't get answers if I don't ask. And I need these answers.
"Why didn't anyone tell me Father was one of them?" I spit out the word them as if it was sour to stay in my mouth. The hand still holding the light saber shakes, and Anakin sees it. He comes up to me, and rests a hand on my cheek, stroking my cheekbone back and forth as his other hand finds my hands. He holds them gently in his grasp, and his touch is soft, and warm. I can feel his warm breath wash lightly over my face, and my heart flutters despite the pain and confusion that rage inside my mind. He gives me a look, a tender, loving gaze, before speaking.
"You mean a Jedi?"
My lips tremble hearing the word come out of his mouth. A tear slips from my eye as I nod my head.
"Oh, y/n. You've only seen the Dark Jedi on Korriban. Do you believe that's what your father was?"
My heart twists in my chest as he asks this, and I ponder it. Do I? I don't know anymore. He was kind, loving, and brave. But Jedi are Jedi, from what I've seen they're all ruthless.
"What else could he be?" I ask miserably. My whole world feels as though it's falling apart. My life is being dismantled and put in a different order before my eyes. How much of what I believed was true?
Anakin sat me down, then took a seat next to me, so close that our legs were touching and our arms brushed at the slightest movement. I got chills from being so close to him. And yet I wanted to be closer.
"Y/n, not all Jedi are like those...monstrosities that you saw on Korriban," he shook his head as he said that, his hands were balled tightly into fists. "They shouldn't even call themselves Jedi. Jedi are supposed to protect people, to fight for the good of everyone! But they gave in to their temptation, the Darkness within them, and now they've turned into bloodthirsty Kath hounds!"
He turns to me now, grabbing my cheek and turning my face so he had my full attention. "Jedi are only bad if they choose to be y/n. And there are many people who choose the light. Your father chose the light. He wasn't those monsters you saw on Korriban. And that's why your mother wanted you trained. She wanted you to see the light side of the Force, and to protect the innocent like she knew you always would."
Relief pours out of me. I sob, as a fresh river of tears pours down my cheeks. Anakin gently pushes my head so it rests on his chest, and he strokes my hair, soft and smooth, like mother did. I miss her, and I miss my village. But I know that the only thing I can do now, is to respect my mother's wishes. It's what she'd want for me. And that's what I want for me, despite the fear and confusion I have about everything.
I'm going to become a Jedi. Like my father.

Hi guys :)
So, I was wondering if you could leave a bit of feedback about two ideas I have for this book. First of all, how would you feel if I (eventually) put some smut in this book? And second of all, would you guys like it if I made a dark ending and a light side ending? Just a thought.
Thanks for reading!
-Holli (Carson)

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