Forked Roads

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Anakin's POV:
There's a rumbling in my ears, loud enough to block out most of the sounds around me. This world is void of life, of anything moving. It's still, and the stillness is enough to put me on edge.
I'm sure no one has been here in centuries. This place has been void of life since Vitiate, Once all powerful Emperor of the Sith, preformed the ritual to grant himself immortality. He had been vicious, cruel, and uncaring. As a ten year old boy, he killed his father, and took the title of Dark Lord from Marka Ragnos. He ruled his planet in sheer terror, and then wiped it out for the sake of his own power.
But that power led to fear, a paranoia and a fierce need to keep all this power he had retained. I wasn't here for his power. Or the paranoia. I needed to see this for myself, a reminder that even the most innocent of people can be the undoing of others.
She's my undoing. But she's also the only thing holding me together.
The Jedi aren't what they seem to be. Everyone in this galaxy has a private agenda, and we're all just pawns in their game, their struggle for control and order. And maybe before it wouldn't have mattered to me. But after what they did, I knew there was no turning back. This needed to be done.
I was sick of being a pawn. And I wouldn't let her be one either. No, this needed to end. And I had the power to do it, thanks to Korriban. I killed them all, sucking the power dry from their lifeless corpses. Nihilus was the most satisfying of all. By the time I found him, everyone else was dead, except for whoever remained by the other entrance. I leeched their strength anyways, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. Someone else would finish the job. I looked into the voids that were in place of his eyes, and watched as I slowly drained his body to nothing but a shell. He had shrieked, begged, but I didn't have time for pleas anymore.
I knew what he had done. To y/n's father, Atton. Perhaps that's why I let his death become so slow and painful. I didn't bother to search his body, I'm sure Obi Wan and her aren't too far behind me, and I can sense that she's already found it.
I hoped they would follow me to this point. This destruction, they needed to see what the Jedi are capable of, what THEY are capable of. And I hoped that it would be enough for y/n to support my decision and come with me.
Walking faster, I find a pile of wreckage. It's parts that were once part of a space vessel, but had either been replaced or damaged too badly. I knew whose it was, as no one ever came here unless it was out of necessity. On record, only 2 landings had ever been made, besides mine. One was the landing of Lord Scourge, who was sent to witness why he must oppose the Emperor. And the other, was Revan the prodigal Knight. Flying the Ebon Hawk to save the universe yet again, from a threat far greater than he had ever faced.
The story of Revan is both a lesson and an inspiration. It shows the temptation of the dark side, but also proves that its effects are not permanent. He was a prodigy, a Jedi Knight back in the Old Republic. When the Mandalorian Wars were in full swing, the Republic was suffering heavy losses. Against the wishes of the Council, Revan and his apprentice Malak led a group of rebel Jedi to aid the Republic in their war effort. Because of them, the Mandalorians were defeated. But they didn't return home afterwards. No, they went out, beyond the Outer Rim, and disappeared.
Until years later.
Revan came back as a Sith Lord, with Malak serving by his side. He destroyed, and hungered for power. Perhaps, had Malak not interfered, he would've turned out like the Emperor.
Malak turned on him, nearly ending his life. And the Jedi Council saved him, but in doing so they wiped away everything he once was. He went on to save the galaxy from Darth Malak, and was known as a hero.
His story brings me some comfort, because it shows how the roles must sometimes change to keep balance. And that's what I intend to do. The Jedi Council needs to be stopped.
Turning on my heel, I run back to my speeder, with my face set like stone and my heart colder than ice.

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