Stranded Shadows (pt. 4)

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I woke up staring at the rocky ceiling. My hair was dry and sprawled around me. Trying to get up, I gasp out of pain and fall back onto the ground. Ow!
Oh my goodness. Last night.
I couldn't believe what had just happened.
Anakin took my virginity.
It had been amazing, passionate and intimate. He filled my every desire, and I could only hope he felt the same way. Turning my head, I looked at him, sleeping on the ground next to me. His breaths were slow and even. The look of peace on his face warmed my heart. It made him look younger, happier. I wonder if his mother had felt the same way watching him as a little boy.
I sit up again, much slower, in order to avoid the soreness that screamed from my body. I hadn't counted on that. Then again, I hadn't counted on anything that had happened while we were here. Walking slowly over to the bag we had brought, I pulled out a fresh set of robes and pants. Slipping them on quietly, so as not to wake Anakin, I look down at myself. I felt different, and I wasn't sure if it was a psychological difference, or something else.
I dig deeper into the bag now that I am clothed. The hologram we brought for communication is beeping, emitting a blue light as it does so. Someone's calling us?
Quickly fixing my hair to look presentable, I flip it open, revealing...Obi Wan?
"Y/n! Thank the force you're okay. Everyone above on Kashyyyk is worried, after they heard the screaming of a rancor!"
I was extremely confused. I mean, sure, the rancor chasing us had been bigger than us, but it was surprising to think that everyone on Kashyyyk could hear it. Plus, I hadn't heard a scream from it. What was he talking about?
"Master Kenobi," I started, my voice brimming with confusion. "We encountered a rancor. But there's no way everyone on Kashyyyk could've heard it. It was barely bigger than us!"
He looked at me, a deep furrow forming between his eyebrows. "You two need to get out of there. Speaking of which, where in the world are you?"
"We're lost," I admitted, shame edging my voice. "The rancor chased us far off the path and we couldn't find our way. We took shelter in this cave for the night. What should we do now?"
"Wait there. I will come for you. Just focus on staying alive."
"Obi Wan what do you me-"
"May the force be with you." And with that his image dissolved, leaving me in the dim grey of the cave. I was slightly afraid. Why was he so frantic? And what was screaming?
He said to focus on staying alive. I prayed that it would be an easy task. But with everything he told me, I doubted it. Nothing was easy as a Jedi.
"Y/n." Anakin's voice came from behind me. It was grumbling and deep, the effect of a long, dreamless sleep. I turn and see him stretching on the floor. His hair is messy, but his eyes are bright and renewed with energy.
"Good morning sunshine." I giggled and tossed a fresh robe at him. "Obi Wan called while you were sleeping."
"Wait-he did?" His eyebrows furrowed and his lips turned into a pout, serious and dark.
"He said we need to stay put. And focus on staying alive. Apparently there was screaming from a rancor that everyone above heard. Maybe it was when we were unconscious, I'm not sure. But we should take his advice. He's coming for us."
"Damn!" Anakin muttered, angrily looking at the ground. "We can only hope it doesn't know where we are."
I don't know what to say. I felt helpless, and there was this awful, thick tension in the room. I was afraid, quite honestly. And with all the pressure coming from our situation, I began to cry silently.
What was wrong with me? Something was different, I couldn't tell what. I was weaker, less guarded. More afraid. And, deep inside, I felt (lighter/darker).
If we had the time to stay there, I probably could've collected myself. But just then, we heard the screaming, and I understood how everyone could've heard it.
It was this shrill, breaking scream. Angry and upset, and hunting for flesh.
Anakin turned to me, wide eyed. "Oh shit y/n! We need to go!"
Grabbing the bag and my light saber from the ground, we ran quickly through the brush. No noise was made but the rustling of the plants smacking against our legs. Yet, there was this feeling in my gut telling me that it was enough for us to be found.
Sure enough, I heard it, Loud and near. The screams. They pierced my ears, causing a loud ringing to go to my head. I wanted to stop, to lay down and let it be over. But Anakin dragged me onward, despite the noise around us.
Everything became blurry. Was this why it screamed? To paralyze its victims? If it was, then it was an effective way to hunt. I was sure Anakin felt it too, because our pace had slowed, and finally I tripped and fell, my face digging into the muddy dirt. Light took over everything, and the noise in my mind was great. The only thing I heard before slipping out of consciousness was a roar and the sound of a light saber being pulled out.

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