Reaching out

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Anakin's POV:
They will be destroyed.
Crushed under the iron grip of the Force.
Struggle and plead as they may,
I will not listen.
My thoughts have come and gone like that, in short, angry bursts. It hurt to move. Not physically, but every step broke something within me. I wish my heart would stop and crumble, so I would have the strength to fight off the urge inside of me to turn back.
They sent us on a suicide mission.
They let HER go to what would've been her death.
Rage fills my lungs with every breath. These "Masters" who claimed to be wise nearly got us both killed.
It wasn't my own life I cared about. It was hers.
Before I had been rendered unconscious, I watched her pain filled eyes become dull as she fell to the ground, blinded by the screaming piercing her very being. I watched the blood splatter as the rancor knocked over a tree trunk, its path ending on her side. Her thoughts were nothing. I had been in tune with her feelings, with her thoughts, but there were none to feel.
I thought she had died.
And now? I was going to make sure that it never happened again.
By destroying the Jedi Council.
They had already taken away everything else I had. I'd been able to accept it, and choke down my pain as I trusted in their teachings. But I couldn't watch her get hurt again. I refused to.
I miss her.
I reach out to her with my mind, struggling to find her amongst the complicated waves of the Force. It had never been too difficult. She was so light, so pure against everything else. And I knew exactly how she felt. Finding her, I tune myself in, allowing my mind to rest with hers.
She's resting on a mat. In some small room. Traveling, perhaps.
Her heart hurts.
I can feel the agonizing pain roll off of her in waves. She's curled into the fetal position, resting her head on the ground as her tears form a dark puddle beneath her cheek. It breaks my heart, seeing her like this. It had been bad before, when I would go to bed in the room next to hers. But now it was different, sharper.
I had never gone to see her. I wanted to, so badly. But Obi Wan and the council had insisted I focus on training.
I was also afraid. Afraid to see her lying there and not moving. Afraid to see the injuries she had sustained from the mission. Afraid that when I saw her, it would be the last time.
By not seeing her, I could pretend she wasn't lying on her death bed.
They said she was going to die.
But here she was, weaker than ever, but alive. And moving.
I reach out to her, whispering into her mind.
Don't be afraid.
I'm right here.

The Path Of Darkness, Or The Path Of Love? (AnakinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now