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It's here again. The soft whispering in my head, comforting me.
The deep tone of the voice is soothing, calming.
Even though my heart aches with fear and pain, my body calms. Breaths come out evenly, slithering from my mouth across the patched surface of the mat. The room is so cold that the puffs form clouds of vapor, that dissipate as they float away. Its dark, no light comes in but the distant glow of stars.
I wasn't sure of where we were going. Obi Wan had gone on about some secluded, dark planet we were going to. But I hadn't listened. My mind blocked out everything but one person.
Why would he leave?
It gave me much to think about.
I need to know myself as a person.
I often can only see the (good/evil) in people. When I see someone struggling, I want to (help them/hurt them). But is it always (right/wrong) to do that?
Maybe things aren't exactly like the (Jedi/Sith) say they are. No one can be perfectly (good/evil). Everyone is somewhere in between.
Is the light side really so helpful? Or does it only delay a tragic end for those too weak to stand on their own? And the dark, is it truly evil? Or is it simply following a different set of ideals?
What if everything they've taught me is wrong? What if the darkness is the right way to go?
What if it isn't?
I know eventually I have to choose. But there is one thing I know for certain.
Whatever I do, I want Anakin by my side.

The Path Of Darkness, Or The Path Of Love? (AnakinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now