A Mission of Dreams (and Nightmares)

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My stomach twists into knots as I sit in the back of the aircraft. My first mission. I had been training with Master Kenobi and Anakin for the past month and a half. Sure, I knew how to defend myself, how to channel the Force and fight with a lightsaber. But I had never used these skills in a situation that was actually dangerous.
I sit, staring out the window, my hands playing anxiously with the hem of my robe.
Am I truly ready?
The mission wasn't supposed to be horribly dangerous. We were traveling to Manaan, an ocean planet with only one large city above ground. This planet was the only source of kolto, a healing agent that both the Republic and the Sith wanted to get their hands on. Manaan was neutral, not giving extra to either side. But there was unrest in the city. Young Selkath, the natives, were going missing. Our job was to figure out who was taking them, and put an end to it.
We already knew it was the Sith who took them. The problem was, we needed to prove it.
"Hold on- we're coming in for landing." Obi Wan winced as Anakin took a sharp dive, coming dangerously close to the surface. My stomach dropped harshly, and I grunted, as he landed it roughly on the landing pad.
"Remind me to fly us home," Obi Wan said, holding his aching head. Anakin just smirked at him, and then came to help me out, although I was perfectly capable of exiting the craft myself. Just as we are about to exit the landing pad, a Selkath stops us.

"You need to pay the toll to enter the city." His words are deep, grumbly and rough. It sounds as though he gurgles water as he speaks, although I realize that he may be doing exactly that. After all, it is an ocean planet.
Obi Wan sighed and placed a handful of credits in his hand. "Now, if you'll excuse us." He walked quickly and authoratively forward, leaving Anakin and I no choice but to follow. For Anakin, he walks normally, but because I am so small, I have to practically run to keep up.
The city is made of white plaster and shining metal. Everything looks modern and new, although this city has been here for hundreds of years. The Selkath pride themselves in the upkeep of their city.
We walk, until we come to a narrow hallway. Obi Wan stops us beneath a glowing sign, that said something in Selkath native tongue.
"This," he said, gesturing at the open space beyond us, "is the Sith Embassy. You need to be ready to fight, and to separate. We need to find those missing Selkath." He looked at me, thinking deeply. "Anakin, stay with y/n. It's her first mission, it'll be best to have someone with her."
He nodded and moved closer to me, his arm brushing mine as we continued up to the doors of the Embassy.
"And just who authorized you to enter the Sith Embassy?" A man, clothed in the grey uniform of Sith officials, asked us impatiently. His eyes glowed with a fiery passion, as if he just hungered to kill, to take. Two blasters hung from his belt. Shivering in fear, I looked to Obi Wan.
He didn't even flinch as the Sith officer spit words at us. "We are here on behalf of the Jedi Council, under a request from the Manaan government, to investigate the missing Selkath youth. Although Manaan is a neutral planet, we are authorized to take whatever actions necessary for investigation. I'd step aside, sir." He spit the word sir venomously, and the Sith official glared at us with narrow eyes.
"You'll investigate us when we're all dead!" And with that he pulled his blasters from his belt and fired. Without thinking, I pulled out my lightsaber and the purple, vibrant blade shone hotly as I deflected one of the blaster bolts. It flew, barely missing the man's head, and slammed into the wall. Obi Wan swung his lightsaber, and with a flash of green, the man's hands were chopped cleanly off. He screamed, and fell to the ground, writhing in pain and agony. Obi Wan looked at the pitiful sight, sighed, and then continued to the doors.
My stomach was still churning. They cut his hands off, I thought weakly. But I was grateful, because Obi Wan hadn't finished the job.
We walked inside, and there a woman stood, with 4 droids by her side. They all were equipped with heavy blasters. She herself had a long, sharp blade in her hand, with a shock stick in the other. "So, you've come to investigate? Well soon they'll be investigating your disappearance too!" She threw herself at me as the droids began shooting. Knocking me over, we tumbled to the ground, her blade at my throat as my hands struggled to hold my lightsaber. I felt the sting of a cut as she pushed the blade into my neck, grinning as I choked. It wasn't stabbing me, but my heart raced as she held it over my neck. Just as my hand gripped the lightsaber, she raised her arms with a wild cry, preparing to swing down and end my life.
She stopped, a look of surprise on her face, as my lightsaber protruded through her stomach. I pulled it out and kicked her dying body away, horror rising inside of me
Her eyes remained open, staring blankly at the ceiling. A burning hole bled in her stomach, soaking the front of her uniform with blood. Red pooled beneath her, and I cringed, the sight of her blood making me sick.
"Y/n! You and Anakin need to go find the Selkath. I have to deal with some dark Jedi." And with that, he turned and ran, leaving me and Anakin alone with the broken droids and the bloody corpse of a once living woman.
Anakin came over and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, y/n. You didn't have a choice. She was going to kill you." He squeezed me tightly against his chest, his heart beating loudly in my ear, from adrenaline I assume.
"Come on, we need to hurry before more droids show up."
We run through the corridors, being as quiet as possible to avoid detection from the rooms that branched from the hallway. Making our way towards the back of the Embassy, we stopped when we heard distant voices.
"You're training is going well, Leone." The voice is raspy, and sends a chill through my body.
"Thank you, Master." The other voice was grumbly, and low. The voice of the Selkath.
What would a Selkath be doing here, except-
"Oh no," muttered Anakin, pulling his lightsaber handle from his belt. "They've been training them!"
The youth. They had taken them, helpless young children, and shaped them into killing machines. Was this their plan to overturn the neutrality???
"What are we going to do?" I asked, as I stared at the door before us.
"We have to go in and stop them."
And with that, he went and threw the door open. Before us stood, a dark Jedi Master, standing with a Selkath clothed in black. His eyes met mine, and a vicious smile spread across his face.
"Ah, Leone! The Force is with us." The tall man walked around, examine both Anakin and I. "It seems we have a bit of entertainment for the other Selkath to enjoy."
My eyes wandered beyond Leone and the dark Jedi. A large group of Selkath stood there, watching carefully the confrontation about to happen.
The man smiled maliciously at me. "Kill them."
Leone, with the wild cry of an enraged animal, charged us. Anakin blocked his first blow with his blue lightsaber. I, on the other hand, couldn't bear to just let him die.
"Leone!" I screamed at him, and he faltered, looking at me with enraged eyes. "They've lied to you. Don't give in to your hatred. Please," I begged with him, my eyes pleading for understanding. He looked at me, and then, grunting, turned and charged me.
There was no convincing to be done. I discharged my lightsaber, blocking his heavy blow with it. Turning, I whipped my foot into his gut, pushing him several feet backward. Anakin slashed his lightsaber through Leone's heart, causing the man standing there to glare at us angrily.
"You- you killed my best pupil!" He discharged both his weapons. Two red hot blades came out, illuminating the floor and walls around him. "Now, you will die at the hands of a true Master!"
I was angry. He brainwashed them. He took them away from their families.
I won't let him get away with this.
"No!" I screamed, charging him with my lightsaber drawn. "You're going to pay for every youngling you took from their homes!"
He laughed as he saw me coming, blocking my strike with one blade as he swung the other at me. I dodged it, so it only nicked my shoulder. Crying out in pain, I slashed again, the heat in my shoulder intensifying rapidly. I managed to singe his robe, my blade dragging down his arm. He, grunted, and pushed against my blade with impossible force. Anakin came up behind him, prepared to plunge his blade into him. But he blocked it and threw Anakin to the side with a force push.
Hatred bubbled inside of me. Monster. I can't let him win. Taking my free hand, I throw it in his direction, a wall of force pushing him backwards. He slammed into the wall, and Anakin rolled over, his lightsaber connecting with the Dark Jedi's neck. With AA shudder, his body stilled, and blood pooled where his head had once been.
The Selkath looked at us with fear. Some of them were still very young. The others just looked awed that we had killed their Master.
"Go," I said, gesturing to the door. "Run. Find your families. Live your lives."
Several of the younglings sprinted away, leaving after I said it. But many of the older Selkath didn't appear to be convinced.
"How can we trust you?" One of them inquired, anger flashing in his eyes. "You killed our brother. You killed our master!"
"They took you from you homes!" I exclaimed, trying to reason. "Stay if you will, but I doubt the Sith will let you live once they find out what happened." Anakin intervened, taking me gently by the arm. "We need to go, y/n."
He walked me gently out of the building, leading me to where we had began. Obi Wan stood there, holding his arm in pain.
"Good, you're here! I saw the younglings leaving. Good work, you two." I felt sad and empty. Some had stayed behind. I felt that I had failed Obi Wan.
"They didn't all leave," I whispered. Anakin put his hand on my cheek, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"They will, y/n. Trust me, they will. But now we need to leave."
Looking behind me, I take one last look at the empty hallway before we exit, heading for the ship.
My mind is still racing from all that happened today. I hoped it would be a while before my next mission, because I wasn't sure I was ready to end another life. My shoulder still throbbed from the burn. But it wasn't the worst pain I felt. I felt sick, not knowing if the youth had made it out alive or not.
Suddenly, a beeping comes over our transmitter. With a raised eyebrow, I open it .
It's a message from the Manaan government.
Dear Jedi associates,
We offer our biggest thanks for the recovery of the missing Selkath youth. After several of them came out and alerted the authorities, we were able to infiltrate the Embassy and rescue the rest. A few are injured, but they are receiving medical attention currently. You have done a great service to our settlement.
Manaan thanks you.
I breathe a sigh of relief. We did it. Finally, I begin to relax, the exhaustion of the day catching up to me. Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep, dreaming of my family, once again reunited.

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