DS Lets Go

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I looked at him, and a small smile played on my face.
"Alright. Let's go."
He smiled, relieved, and was about to pull me away by the hand, when Obi Wan yelled.
"You can't do this! I won't let you."
I turn to face him, this feeling of anger slowly contorting my face. He had finally stood up, and his hair was in his face as he stood tall, light saber handle in his hand. Blood was oozing from a wound on his arm and his face was covered in a thin coat of sweat.
"You Jedi never learn." Anakin hissed, before turning, a malicious glint in his eyes. "You can't stand against me. You can't stand against us."
I stepped closer to him, brimming at the thought of a good fight. So long I had held in this desire, this bloodlust. And now it could finally be unleashed.
Obi Wan looked at me, accusing and desperate. "Y/n! The Jedi Code-"
"Is full of lies!" I hiss the words out, as though they were venomous and could penetrate his flesh. "They make you lock away your feelings, isolate you, all so you can delay a tragic end for people who don't deserve it." I feel this passion, this anger rise within me, and it fills me with the dark energy Mustufar holds. He won't be able to draw on the Force here, not without giving in to the dark within himself. But even then, he'll never stand against the power we wield together. Anakin narrows his eyes and steps forward, his lightsaber ejecting from its handle.
"It's a shame it had to end like this, Master. But your power will be of great use to us as we take down the Jedi Council."
Obi Wan shook his head, beads of sweat dripping from his hair onto his cheekbones. His lightsaber ejected, and he looked at me with a pang of regret before holding his hand up. There was a force closing around my throat, and the blood began pooling beneath the skin on my face. It was as if my flesh would explode right off of my body from the pressure building on me. Spots rendered me blind and I couldn't make a sound as I went to what I presumed was my demise.
My ears became clouded with the pounding of blood, but I could faintly hear the noises. The heavy impact of something on the ground. A faint growl, almost inhumane but I knew it came from one of them. And then I was released.
Oxygen rushed into my lungs and I sucked it in painfully, filling my deprived lungs. It hurt to breathe, but the pain was definitely not unbearable. My hearing began to heighten as the blood rushed from my face back into the other parts of my body. They were fighting, and it was an intense struggle for power. Their lightsabers clashed heavily, and I could feel the energy of their conflict over here. The deep auburn rock glimmered with the flashes of color from their blades.
Anakin's cry of pain caused my head to snap up. Obi Wan had struck him on his side, not puncturing the skin but burning all the same. I could almost feel his pain, through the Force, and it made me angry.
"No!" I screamed as I struggled to my feet. Obi Wan looked at me, a fierce yet pained glint making his eyes look like lava flowed within them. His lightsaber was still ejected, but it was no longer pointed at Anakin. It was pointed at me.
And that was the only distraction we needed.
Anakin kicked his foot out, catching Obi Wan in the ankle and causing his balance to falter. His chin hit the ground hard, and blood began to pour out of his mouth. The sight of his pain, after hitting my love, was enthralling. He struggled to get up, but he was still as Anakin stabbed his lightsaber through his torso.
It's over.
Anakin looked at me, his gaze filled with both desire and love. Taking quick strides, he was upon me in an instant and pulled me into him. I cried silently, from relief that we were both still alive. I could feel the dark within him, but I knew it was also in me. He loved me, what else could I ask for?
I put my chin on his chest so I could look into his eyes. He looked down at me passionately, and I felt small in his strong grasp. He was so dominant now. He had always been, but now his emotions were unleashed and it thrilled me to think of what that meant for us. He dipped his head, his lips crashing into mine. The way his soft mouth seemed to caress me, it was nothing short of wonderful. I melted under his every touch, and he firmly pulled me into him.
"I love you, y/n."

The Path Of Darkness, Or The Path Of Love? (AnakinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now