Overcoming Anger

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Anakin's POV
Why does she do this to me?
I've always struggled to control my emotions. But when it comes to her, for some reason I'm always out of control.
Why did I have to be so angry? I know I'm not upset to be training with her. She's been through so much though..
I felt jealous at first. With the prideful gaze Obi Wan laid on her, the joy the Masters took in welcoming her. That's what started it all. I was selfish. But mostly, I didn't want them to begin her training. Her mother had just died! Her whole life wiped away in an explosion! She's vulnerable, and they're throwing her in over her head.
I can't watch her get hurt. I don't want her to die.
I was afraid more than angry. I wasn't angry at her. I was angry at the Jedi Council for training her so soon. She was weak, not physically, but emotionally. I felt this animal urge to protect her, to control her. And the Jedi Council was sending her straight into the lion's den.
I told Obi Wan that'd she'd be the death of us.
But she won't be the death of us.
She'll be the death of me.
I knew I would protect her, no matter the cost. I couldn't handle not to. I never left her side if I could help it. Although initially it was because I promised her mother I would protect her, it's not just that anymore. I don't know why but she's special. And I may die protecting her.
But, honestly, I realize there's no way I'd rather die right now.
I need to find her. And apologize.
I walk quietly out of my room, and open her door.
"Y/n?" I whisper her name quietly, so I wouldn't startle her.
Opening the door, I walk in. She's curled up, her back resting against the pale walls. Her (e/c) eyes stare blankly at the adjacent wall. The skin around her eyes is swollen and pink, that's how I know she's been crying. I feel something inside of me break as I saw the poor state she was in.
She looks up, and her (e/c) eyes are shimmering with held back tears. Arms shaking, she pushes herself up and turns to face me. She's a lot smaller than me, so even as she stands tall, I am still looking over her. Her lip trembles, but her facial expression gives nothing as she stares at me.
"I won't be weak." Her voice shook as the words came out of her mouth. God, I feel terrible. What have I done?
Shame is building up inside me, and I can't help but become teary eyed. "Y/n I didn't mean it!"
She looks at me wide eyed. "What do you mean?" She asks, looking slightly less defensive as her arms fell to her sides.
"I was angry; I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean any of it. You've just been through so much..." I step forward and close the distance between our bodies. "Please, I'm just worried about you." Wrapping my arms around her waist I pull her in, warming her cold, tired body with mine. Her hands slide up and around my neck, and she lays her head on my chest. Her (h/c) hair is soft against my hand as I stroke her comfortingly with one hand.
"Thank you. For worrying. For caring." The words are whispered, but they were all I needed to hear.
With a sigh of relief, I lifted her up and carried her bridal style to the bed. She looked up at me with large, wonder filled eyes.
"Shh," I say, pulling a warm blanket over her. "I'll see you tomorrow y/n." And with that, I can't help but kiss her forehead. Her soft skin feels smooth against my lips.
Back in my bed, I lay awake staring at the ceiling. My heart is still racing from being near her, as it did every time.
Restless and exhausted, I fall asleep, dreaming of (e/c) eyes and her soft features.

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