Stranded Shadows (pt.2)

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I wait patiently in the courtyard with my bag of things. The Council announced that Anakin and I would be leaving for Kashyyyk today. Although still being unsure of our objective, I was eager to see a change of scenery. Minus the fact that I'd probably be forced to kill again.
Or be killed.
There's always this rumbling fear in the back of my mind, telling me my days are numbered. Even after reciting the Jedi Code and meditating, it still manages to whisper thoughts of doubt and other things.
But one of the things that terrifies me the most is the thoughts that come with it. I've become violent at times, not outwardly, but like a storm brewing inside of myself. It festers and leaves me in a tear filled rage when I'm alone. Questioning everything I know to be true. And it leaves me thinking, what am I? Who am I?
Initially in training, I had thought that I would be the perfect model of goodness, fighting evil bravely and being a hero. But there was a constant war raging inside of me, and I wasn't sure if I'd give in to my temptation or fight it tirelessly for the rest of my life.
Deep in thought, I didn't notice Anakin coming up to me until his spoke.
"Y/n, come on. Kashyyyk awaits."
I jumped, startled at his sudden presence here. While my heart pounds, I shake my head, surprised and slightly disoriented.
"Huh-oh, yeah. Okay."
I follow his lead, having to take large strides to match his pace. I stare at his back as we go, entranced by his muscles form. He stands much taller than I, at least a head and a half taller. I felt small when I was with him. Some people would feel inferior due to this, but I felt safe. Protected. And cared for. He was my rock, and he sheltered me from eminent danger as long as he was there.
I followed where he went. And something told me that I always would.
Arriving on Kashyyyk, I find the atmosphere is much different than what I was expecting. The whole planet is covered by a giant forest, with trees as thick as a house. The port where we landed was high in the treetops, a safe haven built by the Czerka Corporation.
The Czerka Corporation was a highly influential business in this part of the galaxy. Manaan had also been in their territory, although they remained apart from Czerka occupation. I guess they had no interest in collecting kolto bubbles from the surface of the water. The main goal was profit for them. Which ultimately caused morals to go out the window.
Here, they ran a slave operation. Kashyyyk was the Wookie home world. They lived, secluded in villages, and following the beliefs of their chieftains from before. But, being the strong creatures they are, the Czerka came in with heavy weapons and killed them, enslaved them. I (loved/despised) the idea of slaving these quiet yet powerful creatures. The very thought made me (ecstatic/sick).
But I know that isn't why were here today. We're looking for someone, an old Jedi by the name of Jolee Bindo. According to what we've gathered from people visiting Dantooine, travelers, he traveled to the Shadowlands, the dark place beneath the safety of the tree branches. So, we were going down to find him. I just hope it's safer than it sounds.
There are weaving trails made within the trees. Beyond the borders of the Czerka Corp camp, they are crawling with Kinrath Spiders. Their venom left marks as they walked on sharp points towards us. We soon found that they were no problem to kill. Although, seeing the sight of exploded insides on the ground, and smelling the rotten venom that submerged them, caused me to become nauseous.
"Over there." Anakin pointed a long finger towards a large wooden platform. It was attached by ropes to the walkway, and was furnished with nothing but a small torch light. A Wookie stands guarding it. He growls at us as we approach.
"We need to go into the Shadowlands. We're here on the authority of the Jedi Council." Anakin sounded slightly annoyed that the Wookie was putting up a fight. I, however, was terrified. I half hid behind Anakin, looking at the Wookie from behind him.
The Wookie growled something in return, and although looking furious, he stepped aside, allowing us access to the lowering platform. Taking my hand, Anakin helped me on making sure I was settled before stepping on himself.
"Now," he said, looking at me. "We must be silent."
The journey down was extremely long. It only got darker the lower we went. In the distance, you could hear the screeching of animals as they fought. The only thing visible was the black outlines of the tree trunks.
Finally the rocky earth hit the bottom of our platform with a thud. Stepping off, Anakin turned and grabbed my waist, pulling me off and into his arms without a word. He set me down on the ground lightly. The earth is cold and wet, almost like slush. He takes me by the hand and starts leading me through the winding paths, worn by years of ancestors walking through here. It's terrifying, being surrounded by darkness.
We creep silently through the underbrush, careful not to make sound and alert whatever animals resided on the jungle floor. I could no longer tell if it was day or night.
Suddenly, a loud roar came from behind us. Throwing me behind him as he whirled around, I saw a giant dark creature, with matted brown fur and piercing red eyes. It had fangs the size of my arm and claws bigger than my hands.
"What is that?!" I screamed, as Anakin turned and yanked me away. He began to run, dragging me with him as I struggled to keep up.
"It's a rancor!" He gasped the words, and they came out desperate and shrill. We ran off the path, the plants brushing harshly on our legs. My lungs felt like they were burning, yet my throat felt like ice from the cold air entering my mouth. Suddenly, the ground we walked on became water. The rancor was so close that I could feel it's hot, venomous breath on my back. Yelling, Anakin and I dove into the depths, the water surrounding me and blocking out all other noise.
The rancor didn't follow us. There was nothing behind me in the water. I couldn't tell where anything was anymore. Right now, it was just me and the water. The dark depths encircled me, and my lungs began to ache as I fought for air. I was so panicked I didn't feel the strong hand on my arm, pulling me up out of the water.
Next thing I knew, I woke up on the ground. Nothing around me looked familiar.
Where's Anakin??? I looked around frantically, only to find him laying limp on the ground next to me. We were both soaking wet, and mud covered my clothes. Frantic and unsure of what to do, I shook Anakin, trying to wake him.
"Ani!" I whispered the words urgently in his ear. His lips parted and he groaned, still not completely stirring. His face was wet and his hair dripped messily onto my lap as I pulled him into me.
I didn't know what else to do, so I slapped him. His eyes shot open and he coughed, water spilling out of his lips. "What the-"
"Thank God you're awake!!!" I hug him, my head buried in his shoulder as he tried to figure out what was happening. He placed a damp arm on my back, looking at me.
"Y/n, are you alright?" His other hand went up to my face, and I helped him to his feet. My legs were wobbling from exhaustion and cold. He placed gentle hands on my shoulders, steadying my stance.
"I'm f-fine." I couldn't stop shivering, despite my efforts. He looked around, before realizing that he didn't know where we were.
"Y/n," he said, eyes looking up in fear.
"I think we're stranded."

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