Echo of Life

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Everything is dark
What happened?
Oh god, my head.
Everything is shadow.
But do I feel a glimmer of light, deep within myself?
Yes, I feel it.
It's only a flicker, but it's there, warm and soft.
What is it?
My eyes struggle to open. Though the small crack in my eyelids, light pours in, causing my head to pound. Where am I?
"Y/n." Obi Wan's voice rings in my ears, and I struggle to get my eyes open. The light is bright, and it hurts my vision to look at it. But slowly my eyes adjust, and I can make out Obi Wan's bearded face hovering, his brow furrowed in worry. "You're finally awake."
"Wha-" my voice is deep and grinding. It hurts to speak, as my throat is dry. Obi Wan hurriedly grabs a glass of water and raises it to my lips. As the cool liquid washes down my throat, I drink faster, feeling refreshed and slightly energized. Finally, I feel comfortable enough to speak.
"What happened?" My voice comes out slightly cracked, but now audible. He looks at me, placing a firm hand on my shoulder as he gazes into my eyes.
"You were being hunted by a large rancor. It almost got you. Luckily I managed to arrive and drive it away just in time.
You were badly injured, even worse than Anakin. But, you've healed pretty well by now. You're tough, y/n. I admire you for that."
I catch a glimpse of myself in the shiny wall panel. My face is thin and hollow, my eyes sunken. I look skinny and bony, as if I haven't eaten. And I feel nauseous.
"How long was I out?"
"Almost a month and a half. It's a wonder you're as strong as you are. Your body responded well to the nutrients we entered into it."
A month and a half?!
Oh god. I've missed a month and a half of my life. Of everything around me.
What about Anakin? Did he visit me? Has he been with someone else? Did he start training a new Padawan, a prettier, stronger, smarter Padawan?
Oh force.
"Oh," I said, staring at my lap. I was upset, and I was unsure as to why. Was it because of Anakin? Of being unconscious? Or was it something else?
I was alone in my room. They had released me from the infirmary earlier today. Now I sat alone, on my bed, with my head in my hands.
I hadn't seen Anakin yet, hadn't heard from him. But I tried to convince myself that it didn't matter.
I stripped out of my robes, and stood there, looking at myself. My legs were thinner, the gap between them widened. The bones in my chest stood prominent against my skin. But, there was one part of me which didn't look shrunken. In fact, it looked slightly enlarged.
My stomach.
I don't know how you guys feel about this, comment and let me know if I should go on with this. Thanks!

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