LS Come Back

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I squeeze his hand, tears coming from my eyes. "I can't," I cry out, desperate to keep holding on to him. I can sense his conflict, his desire, his fear. Stepping closer to him, I slowly bring a shaking hand to his, so now my hands wrap like a shell around his large hand. He looks me in the eyes, a broken look etched across his face. I can't ask him to come back to Dantooine, I know that it's too much to ask. But maybe I can convince him to go somewhere else with me.
"Then leave, y/n. No need to drag this out." His voice cracks, and his eyes travel to the floor. His grip on my hands loosens, and desperately I hold on tighter. It feels like holding sand in my hand, I feel as though it will slip soon.
"I can't, Anakin. I won't."
I'm crying harder now, silent tears flooding my face and blurring my vision. I feel like my legs are about to give out beneath me. He looks at me with a mixture of pain and anger. "You don't have a choice, y/n. Go."
Not without you!" I scream the words, frustrated and borderline hysterical. "Screw the Jedi Code, you're breaking my heart. I'm not going anywhere unless you're coming with me." He gives me a look, a frustrated, upset look. I stare back angrily. There's this roaring in my ears, and I want so badly to fall over and end this pain.
He tries to pull his hand out of grasp. I tighten my grip, to the point his hand should feel broken. His free hand comes up to my face, making contact with my cheek.
It stings like hell.
He just slapped me.
"Force, y/n, what are you doing?!" His voice is angry, although his face reveals his shock. I don't know what to say, so I cry. Letting go of his hand, I sink down to my knees, my heart breaking and my skin burning with the hot tears. I wait for the footsteps to walk away, but they don't.
Not yet anyways.
"The Jedi will pay for this. They'll pay for all of this, y/n." His words are quiet, and feel empty. His voice cracks and I can tell he's upset, I can feel he's upset.
Why Anakin?
I can't speak, and so I ask him through the Force. My head feels as though it's being torn open, I have a splitting headache.
Because none of this would've happened if they hadn't interfered with our lives.

I'd be dead if they hadn't.

Maybe that would've been better than this, y/n. They nearly got you killed. And they paired us together. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be hurting as much as I am now. I've fallen in love with you, y/n.

Then why won't you come with me?

I can't go back to those monsters. I can't do it y/n.

I won't make you.

Shaking, I stand up, nearly falling over from how weak I was. He stood there silently, looking at me, observing my movements. I walked towards him slowly, afraid to do something that would scare him off. His lip trembled as I gently held his hand, and laid my forehead against his chest. I couldn't hold back the tears, I was crying into his black shirt, helpless in his arms. His free arm wrapped gently around me, and rubbed circles on my shoulder soothingly.
"Please, Anakin," I whispered hoarsely. "Come with me. I don't care where, just away from here."
I looked up, my chin resting on his chest as my eyes pleaded him to say yes. His gaze bore into mine, and I could see that he wanted to come.
"But those monsters-"
"They don't matter. You matter. Please, let's go, wherever you want to. We can start a life, and not have to worry about them."
He looked at me, conflict in his eyes. Finally, he let out a breath, and nodded.
Smiling, I reached up and kissed his soft lips. They were hot from the air, but everything was and I had began to adapt to it. He held my hips firmly as we embraced, and then he pulled away to look into my eyes.
"I love you, y/n."

The Path Of Darkness, Or The Path Of Love? (AnakinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now