Red, White, and Insane

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My father is walking in the distance. "Dad!" I call out to him, running quickly to catch up. He doesn't acknowledge my voice, but instead stops, crouching behind a rocky statue.
"Pulling a small piece of paper from his pocket, he stares at it with difficulty. I move around him, straining to see what he was looking at. It was a note, written in scrawling handwriting. He folds it, tucking it into a small compartment in his lightsaber.
What is he doing?
"Dad," I say again, reaching out to touch him. He doesn't even flinch at my voice, in fact he doesn't acknowledge my words at all. My hand, about to touch his shoulder, instead goes right through him without making any physical contact. Oh, I realize now that I'm not actually here. I'm just watching, somehow.
He stands, placing his lightsaber in the holster on his belt. He wears robes almost identical to the ones I have now. Walking with quick strides, he hurries up to the back entrance of the Sith Academy. I can feel the Darkness radiating from within it. This place is tainted. I slip through the door as it threatens to close in my face, jogging to keep up with my father.
A man stood there, waiting for his entrance, obviously. His flesh was pale and worn. Dark, ancient looking tattoos lined his face, a dark purple contrast to his white skin. His eyes were white, so light that you could only see the pupil from a comfortable distance. He smiles when he sees my father, a giddy, evil smile.
"Atton (l/n)."
"Master Uthar," my father spit out, staring intensely at him. " I believe you know why I've come."
Master Uthar looked at him, smirking as a malicious glint lit up his eyes. "Oh yes. I suppose you've come here to swear allegiance to Lord Nihilus?" He laughed loudly and harshly, causing me to cringe. Dread pulled at my stomach as I realized the events unfolding...
"Never. Nihilus cannot stand against the light."
Uthar cackled, closing his eyes and laughing from deep within. "Oh, Atton," he said, crossing his arms and staring intensely at him. "You have so much to learn. YOU cannot stand against him. No one can!"
My father looked at his hands, eyes closed. Taking a deep breath he muttered quiet words before speaking, so quiet only I could hear.
"There is no emotion, there is peace."
Looking up, he held his head high, and his stance strong, he confronted Uthar with a powerful voice. "Perhaps I cannot," he said, looking fiercely into the milky eyes of Master Uthar. "But I REFUSE to just let him continue. I'd rather die."
Master Uthar smiled violently, teeth bared in an almost angry smile. "I was hoping you'd say that."
From behind, a figure emerged from the shadows. Wearing all black, he looked like a shadow, besides his mask. It was Red, white and black at the eyes, making it appear that you were staring into dark voids. My father took a deep breath and unsheathed his lightsaber. It glowed purple, illuminating the whole room.
With an odd, high pitched screeching laugh, Nihilus took out a double bladed lightsaber. I couldn't watch.
I close my eyes and sink to the ground as I hear the fitting commence. It's so close to me that the clashing blades send heat radiating into my body. It continues for what seems like an eternity, until a pain filled scream echoes in the air, breaking my heart because I know what happened.
Opening my eyes, I see the limp figure of my father sprawled on the ground. Nihilus bent over his body, searching through his pockets, until he pulled out a gold medal with a cross on it.
The cross of Glory.
I shook with anger as I watched him plunder my father's body. How dare he! It wasn't fair!
Nihilus turned then, staring right at me. He came closer and closer, until at last his dark eyes consumed my whole being.
I woke up, drenched in sweat and angry. Seeing what had happened, made me so upset. My father died trying to protect us, and Nihilus took away something he had worked so hard to earn.
I made a vow that night, as we continued our journey home.
If I ever saw Nihilus, I would kill him.
No matter what.

The Path Of Darkness, Or The Path Of Love? (AnakinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now