An Undead Surprise(2)

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As Abby drove from Devin's apartment in Victorville to downtown Los Angeles Devin couldn't help but feel a small tingle of panic settle in her stomach. Her hands clenched and unclenched on her seatbelt the closer they got to town. After being stuck in traffic for almost an hour Riley had begun throwing a small tantrum. She kicked her legs repeatedly on the back of her mother's seat until Devin whipped around to scold her. "If you do not stop kicking the back of mommy's seat you will not get ice cream later!" Devin kept her tone at a firm and acceptable level. Riley's eyes watered for a bit until she turned her gaze to look outside the window. A few sniffles could be heard from the backseat but for the most part Riley stayed quiet.

A sigh slipped past Devin's lips. "Thank god that's over."

"Harsh much?" Abby teased, Devin shoved her shoulder playfully. "Asshole." She laughed and reached for her phone in the console. When she picked it up the screen began to flash her moms caller ID.

"It's mom." Abby said putting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Her eyes flicked over to Devin in the passenger seat. She cleared her throat, Devin waved her off. "Uhm I'm in the car right now trying to get through this traffic jam." Abby replied slowly, her mother remained quiet.

"What are you up to really Abigail?"

She sighed, "Trying to find George."

"Riley's father?!" Leigh Ann asked in shock.

"Yes, that's the one mom."

"Wait, where in gods name are you?"

"Currently stuck in Los Angeles traffic."

After a moments pause Leigh Ann demanded to speak with Devin.

"Hey mom." Devin said taking the phone.

"Where is Riley?!" Leigh Ann asked, panic and concern filled her voice.

"Relax mom she's with me and Abby. She's perfectly fine."

On the other end of the phone Leigh Ann let out a sigh of relief.

"When did you two plan this?"

Devin chewed on the inside of her lip while she thought. "Last night?"

Leigh Ann huffed in annoyance. She knew that this wasn't exactly a last minuet plan. Her daughter's must have had this in the works for a couple of months now. "Do you even want to do this? Do you feel comfortable with telling him?"

"Mom," she paused to collect her thoughts. "He deserves to know. Riley is his child too and I shouldn't have kept her a secret from him no matter who thought that I should."

"Okay fine. I understand completely, you did what you did and it's in the past now. But what about his career?"

A wave of guilt washed over Devin. Of course this would change his life and possibly his music career but she had to do this. "It'll affect him but he has a right to know mom." She said softly, her guilty feeling showed through in her voice.

As Devin spoke with their mother Abby got an idea, she grabbed Devin's phone and dialed her old roommates number. She lived somewhere in Beverly Hills and had an uncle that worked with record labels in town. No doubt one of them would know for sure how to get through to George or his producer.

"Clair! It's Abby, could I get some information on something from you or your uncle?"

"Sure?" Clair said hesitantly. "What do you need?"

"Look I'm in Los Angeles with Devin and I kinda need to know where Hollywood Undead is recording at today, or even who their manager is."

"I don't know about that, I can't go around telling anyone that type of information."

An Undead SurpriseWhere stories live. Discover now