Father And Daughter Time(9)

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Devin's eyes opened to the sound of her alarm clock going off, when she glanced at the clock it read 6:35am. She groaned and rolled out of her bed. She had to be up early for work at the mall and to get Riley ready for the day. She grabbed her phone off its charger and headed off to the bathroom to shower. Once she was done she grabbed a black silk button up top and matching black slacks. Honestly she hated these types of clothes but it was required for her work. After she had gotten dressed, pulled her hair back and gathered her purse she headed back to the room to get Riley. Devin smiled to herself as she picked up the sleeping child, waking Riley in the process.

"Wake up baby." She told her, Riley smiled up at her mother and snuggled against her chest.

"You going to work mommy?" Riley asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yes I am. And you know who is going to be watching you today?"

"Who mommy?" She asked around a yawn.

Right as Devin had walked into the bathroom George jumped out from behind the door, scaring Riley but also making her giggle at the same time.

"Daddy!" Riley squealed excitedly, George smiled at her and picked her up from Devin's arms. To him he would never get over how happy it made him to hear Riley call him daddy, she was his little angel. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him.

"You need a bath, you stink." He said jokingly. Devin laughed at him, He plugged his nose and made a face. Riley frowned and swatted his arm.

"No I don't daddy!"

"Well if you don't stink then is it you mommy?"

"Yeah! It's mommy!"

"Oh please, I smell like roses." Devin said and took Riley from George.

Once the bath was over she dried Riley off then helped her get dressed into the outfit that George had picked out for her.

"What do you think of daddy's choice?" Devin asked, holding up a floral racer back tank and blue denim shorts.

"I love them!" Riley smiled and yanked the clothes from her so that she could try to put them on herself. Devin sat back and let her dress herself, when it came to the boots that's when Riley had problems. "Help me mommy?"

"Of course sweetie." She said and helped her to pull on the cowboy boots. 

"Everyone decent?" George asked from the door, his hand covering his eyes.

"Yes we are!" Devin called to him. He smiled and pushed open the bedroom door.

"Want me to do her hair?"

Devin cocked a brow at him. "You know how to do hair?"

"Not really but I can try." He said shrugging. Devin gestured for him to take a seat by Riley. He grabbed a brush and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. After taking a look at his handiwork he shook his head and switched the ponytail to a loose bun on top of her head.

"What do you think?" George asked, Devin glanced up from her phone.

"Wow. You did great, George." She said and stood up from the floor. "I've gotta run but I'll see you both later okay?"

"Yeah, we'll either be here or at mine or Jorel's house."

"No mommy! I don't want you to go work!" Riley cried running over to Devin.

"Awe but don't you want to spend time with daddy?" Riley gave a slight nod. "I'll be back later, I promise okay?"

"Okay." Riley mumbled and went back to play with her dolls.

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