Time For Tour(17)

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George's eyes flew open quickly after the bus went flying over a speed bump. He sighed, irritated that he couldn't sleep, then turned onto his side to look out the window. All he could see was buildings blurring together. Beside him Asia laid curled up fast asleep, he never could figure out how she could sleep so peacefully while they were on the bus. It was safe to say that he envied her when it came to that. He exhaled, laid back down and closed his eyes. Hoping that he could get at least a couple more hours of sleep before he had to get up for the day. That hope was quickly diminished when the alarm on his phone went off. He sat up, turned off the alarm and checked the time; seven thirty. He looked at Asia, seeing that she was still asleep he moved as carefully as he could so that he didn't wake her as he climbed out of the bunk. He hadn't gotten any sleep last night since he had been up until three in the morning cleaning the bus and making sure that it was spotless for when Devin, Abby, and Riley arrived later on today. Him and the guys had to pick them up at the Tacoma airport around nine. He walked out the bunk area out to the bathroom. He turned on the water and jumped in once the water was warm enough. After he finished his shower, and brushed his teeth he got dressed in a black Dead Cultoure shirt and a pair of jeans. He was really excited that Riley was finally coming on tour with him and the guys, he had missed her o much that it began to hurt his heart. Just the thought of getting to see her today made a huge smile appear on his face. After he tugged on his shoes he walked out the bathroom to the kitchen area where Jorel was eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey, why you up so early?" George asked before opening the fridge and grabbing a beer.

"Couldn't sleep." He shrugged.

Jorel never seemed to sleep too good the first few weeks of tour, it took him a while to get used to being away from Vanessa.

"You'll be able to sleep eventually." George said and looked up at him.

"So when are we picking up Devin and Riley?"

"Uh their flight lands somewhere around nine," he replied, "Abby's coming along too."

Jorel nodded his head. "You excited to have them here?"

"I am, I mean why wouldn't I? Riley will probably love it too being as she'll probably come with us off and on throughout her life, if Devin allows it though."

"Think she'll be a musician later on?"

"Because I am or because she wants to?" George asked.


"I hope she does it because she wants to and it's her dream, not just because I am. Either way I'll support her with whatever she wants to do."

"Just watch her replace one of us if someone kicks the bucket or join us."

George laughed at the idea of Riley getting on stage with them and performing.

"Maybe backup vocals."

"The father and daughter dream, George."

"Jorel, I think that's secretly your dream." George pointed out with a chuckle.

A few hours later the bus rolled into Tacoma city limits and drove through town. Every now and then a few teens would yell and point at their bus and start to chant 'Undead! Undead!' This made the guys feel pretty good, they even took the time to stop and take pictures with some of the fans to pass time until they had to pick up the girls.

A half hour later the bus pulled up to the front of the airport and George didn't hesitate in getting off the bus and run into the airport, looking for three familiar faces. His blue eyes scanned the airport until he saw Devin sitting on a bench with Riley's head in her lap, asleep. Abby sat beside them on her phone, occupied by some game that she downloaded. He smiled then walked towards them quickly.

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