The truth comes out(30)

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Devin woke up early Friday morning after getting barely three hours of sleep after going Black Friday shopping with Missy, Brenna, and Stacy. It was six o'clock and she was getting ready for their flight back to California, which they weren't boarding their flight until somewhere around noon but Devin wanted to be ready before then. Everyone else was asleep, including Riley who had decided to sleep in Corey and Abby's room. She sat on the couch watching The Today Show up at a low volume until she decided that it was time to take a shower. She gathered some clothes and bath necessities and other things into the bathroom to shower. After she took a warm shower, she got dressed, straightened her hair and put on some light makeup. She didn't want to leave for home just yet, she would miss hanging out with Stacy and the other girls but this wasn't a permanent goodbye. Devin was applying some new liquid lipstick when her phone began to vibrate on the counter. She glanced down and saw that it was George calling her, she was surprised that he was up this early.

"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" She asked as soon as she answered. He gave a light chuckled and mumbled a quiet "hey" followed by the sound of him sipping some coffee. Devin could tell by his voice that he was very sleep deprived. Had he even slept at all this week?

"Did I wake you?"

"Nah I've been up for a while trying to get things packed. You sound like you haven't slept in days, are you okay?"

Once again he chuckled, "I have been, too much shit has been going on since you left last time."

"Like what? Asia drama?"

"You could say that."

Her brow knitted together in confusion. What more could Asia say abut her if she wasn't even in the same state as George? Damn that girl has some problems, she thought and put away her makeup. George was quiet for a while, Devin waited patiently for him to speak.

"George? What's going on?"

He took a deep breath before speaking, "Asia is pregnant."

Devin paused immediately stunned into shock, she couldn't believe what he was telling her. Part of her didn't even want to believe it because that terminated any chance of them being with each other and she realized then how selfish it was to think that.

"Is that a good thing?" She asked cautiously.

"I don't know... She's been wanting to settle down and have a baby but I wasn't ready, I'm not ready now either. I just met Riley and got used to being a father and I'm on tour, I'm just busy with the band and our daughter. It's- I can't... It's too much right now."

"I can understand that." She said, trying her best to comfort him.

"And I cheated on her, now she's pregnant. What should I do, Devin?"

Devin ran her fingers through her hair and looked at her reflection, she had to push all of her feelings to the side to talk to him as a friend.

"You should talk to Asia about all of this because I think she needs to understand how you feel about this. Oh, and another thing, it's kinda personal."

"What's up." George told her.

"Well you've been on tour, and uh how did you and her... you know."

"When you and Riley first came out on tour with us, me and her were arguing about her wanting a baby and things went from there." George replied.

"So that would put her at almost seven weeks along." She whispered to herself. "George you really need to talk to her, that's my advice. Take it how you want."

George sighed heavily. "Okay, I'm gonna call her. Do me a favor though?"

"Yeah, anything."

"Don't tell Riley," he paused for a moment and Devin waited for him to speak again. "I want to tell her when I see her next weekend."

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