I Have A Daughter(4)

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George walked into his house late that evening after spending virtually almost the whole day with Riley and Abby. After they had gotten done walking around Sunset Boulevard he had taken them to the beach, then after that back to the studio to see the guys. Just like George they had all fallen head over heels in love with Riley, and came around to accept the fact that she was his daughter. It meant a lot to George that they welcomed not only Riley, but Abby  and Devin as well. It was almost seven o'clock now and when he got to the kitchen he could smell Chinese takeout. Which typically was not a good sign when it came to Asia.

"Asia?" He called out walking through the house.

"Bedroom." Asia replied back to him.

He smiled to himself and ran up the stairs taking two at a time. When he pushed the door open he saw Asia sitting up in bed with a carton of sweet and sour chicken in her lap. Her eyes stayed on him as he walked around the bed and laid down next to her.

"Where have you been all day?" She said sharply.

"Out with a couple friends and the guys." He replied, she nodded her head not really buying into what he had said. They both fell into an awkward silence. As the time passed by a strong nervous feeling settled within George. He had to tell her sooner or later, and frankly he preferred sooner. "Hey babe?"


Here goes nothing.

"I have a daughter."

Asia stopped what she was doing and sat her food down on the bedside table. "What?"

He sighed. "A few years before I met you, I got a girl pregnant. Her name is Devin. It was just a one time thing and I didn't find out until yesterday. Our daughter is four, she's the most adorable thing I've ever seen- oh and her name is Riley." George sort of just trailed off and got lost in his own mind thinking about his little girl.

A pang of jealousy sparked inside of Asia's chest but she kept what she was feeling off of her face. She just stared at her boyfriend for the longest time until she found herself giggling like a maniac.

"You can't be serious right now George!" She said laughing. "I don't think that she's actually your daughter. This Devin chick could be just some psycho fangirl who wants to use you for your fame and attention."

He stared back at Asia in disbelief. How could she say that about Devin and Riley? It was even obvious to him that Riley was his just based off of facial features. He just couldn't believe that Asia would have the audacity to say this to him.

"Asia I'm being fucking serious right now!" He snapped. "I remember it! Hell I even remember the first time me and her fucked!"

Asia just laughed again and shook her head. "George you may have slept with her but there's always the possibility that Riley could be another man's child." She watched as numerous expressions played over George's face. The main ones that she saw was hurt and sadness. A little part of her felt bad for her harshness but it was the truth. "Look baby I'm just saying that it's a possibility, and maybe you should think about getting a DNA test done just to prove it once and for all." She paused to let all of this sink in. "You do know that she could take you to court right? And like have you pay a shit ton of money for child support for a kid that might not be yours."

"I get what you're trying to say Asia, but Riley looks just like me! She has so many features that are me and I damn well one hundred percent believe that Riley is mine!" By this point George was yelling again. He hadn't meant to get this angry but the fact that Asia was giving him this hard of a time really pissed him off.

"Okay okay." Asia said holding her hands up in a surrendering motion. "So... You have a daughter?"

"Yes, I really do."

"Alright then. I'm here for you and if you want her in your life then that's your choice. Not mine." George smiled down at her and kissed her forehead quickly.

"Thank you Asia." He said then walked off to the bathroom.

Honestly Asia still didn't believe it but for now she would let it go, hoping that he too would let this whole thing drop.


Devin lifted Riley up to the sink so that she could spit the toothpaste out into the sink. Once she did so Devin turned on the water and filled a small paper cup so that she could rinse her mouth out. "Good job baby." She said and sat Riley back down on the ground. The little girl sat on the edge of the bathtub while her mom finished getting ready for bed. After Devin had washed and dried her face she picked up Riley and carried her back to the bedroom.

Abby had already made herself comfy on the mattress and held her phone in her hands. She smiled up at her sister and niece when she saw them walk in the room. She patted the empty spot next to her for Riley to lay down. She knew that now was going to be the time that Devin was going to tell Riley that George was her father.

"Okay so Riley," Devin began slowly. "I have to ask you a serious question."

Riley snuggled into the covers and grabbed one of her stuffed animals from Abby. "What mommy?"

"You like George right?"

"Yes." She replied with a smile. Devin felt a weight being lifted off of her chest. She was extremely glad that Riley liked him, it was going to make this so much easier.

"Well Riley, George is your father."

When Riley heard her mother say that George was her daddy her jaw dropped open slightly and her eyes grew wide. Devin and Abby laughed softly at Riley's reaction to the news.

"He's my daddy!?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes baby he's your daddy." She smiled, leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Get some sleep okay?"

"Okay mommy." Riley laid down in between her aunt and mom then snuggled deep under the blankets to keep warm.

"Remember you have to get up early tomorrow if you want don't want to hit heavy  traffic." Devin whispered and shut off the lamp.

In the darkness she heard Abby scoff. "You're fucking crazy if you think that I'm going to just leave you here alone no- Ow!"

"Young. Ears." Devin hissed.

"Not like she heard me." Abby muttered. "Kids knocked the hell out."

Devin rolled her eyes at her sister even though she couldn't see her.

"Okay but what about your dog and your work?"

"Oh please mom can handle a few more days with him. And besides I own my own business, I can just give my employees those days off."

"Fine. Just call mom and tell her that so she doesn't freak out."

"Aye aye captain!"

**note: grammar errors fixed March 14th, 2016

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