Hear Me Now(6)

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Three weeks had passed since Devin and Abby had dinner with George and his parents. By this point both girls had hung out with the rest of the band and gotten to know them, and a couple of their other friends even better. Devin had also had the chance to sit down for lunch with Theresa, Danny's wife, and Vanessa, Jorel's girlfriend two weeks ago. Since then all three of the women had bonded pretty well with one another and had went out from time to time.

Today wasn't any different than how the past two weeks had been. Devin would get up in the morning and go to work while Abby stayed home with Riley and help out around the apartment. In the evening Devin would cook dinner and depending on if the girls were up to it they would catch a movie or go out with the guys. This time though, Devin had the day off and had decided to go with Vanessa and Reese to the studio to listen to the guys rehearse a new song.

"I see you've finally decided to join the living." Vanessa joked when Devin opened the door. She rolled her eyes and opened the door wider.

"Coming from you? The queen of the night." Devin retorted in reference to what the fans had begun to call Vanessa.

"Hey, you ready?" Reese asked stepping through the door after Vanessa.

"Yeah I just have to get Riley." She grabbed her purse and jogged back to the bedroom. The little girl was dressed and ready to go with her favorite maroon beanie clutched I'm her tiny hand. Devin motioned for her to follow her. When they got out to the main room she saw that Vanessa and Reese had sat down on the barstools to wait for them.

"Oh my lord," Theresa mumbled to Vanessa. "She looks just like George."

Riley smiled shyly up at the two new women. The only people she remembered were the men that hung around her daddy, but not these women.

"Aw she's so adorable." Reese cooed down at her.

"And really shy." Vanessa added.

Devin laughed lightly. "Yeah she usually is around new people. I'm sorry I didn't bring her around you guys earlier."

"It's fine, maybe we can get her to open up more in time." Vanessa gave Riley a warm smile.

"Yeah just give her some time and she'll have the both of you wrapped around her finger." All three women laughed then headed out to their cars. As Devin got into her car she sent a quick text to Abby telling her that she left the spare key with the elderly woman across the hall.


"Oh my god." Vanessa groaned. Reese cocked a brow at her. The older woman shook her head and gestured in the direction of Asia.

"I didn't know that she was coming along." Reese mumbled.

"Who, Asia?" Devin asked quietly, Reese and Vanessa nodded.

"It's safe to say that we aren't her biggest fans." Vanessa turned her head to see Asia push open the studio door. Right before she walked through she gave Vanessa a small wave.

"How come?"

Vanessa pursed her lips in thought. "She's got this nasty attitude all the time and is always pulling George away from the guys."

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