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After being at the studio for almost three hours Asia got bored and decided to go home. She ended up cleaning the house for a while then relaxing on the couch, her laptop rested on her lap. She decided to check her Instagram to see what fans were tagging her in and what George had been posting lately. After scrolling through her feed, checking her tags and Georges page, she decided to see if she could find Devin's profile. She hoped that Devin had a profile or maybe even been tagged by other people. After a couple minuets of searching she found her profile. The first picture that showed was of Devin with Vanessa, Theresa, and Riley from two days ago when they went to Echo Park. She scrolled through the page until she found a picture of Devin and Riley with George. It really shouldn't have bothered her but the fact that he had his arm wrapped around Devin's shoulders made Asia's blood boil. She frowned when she read the caption;

RileysMommi: Look at these two cuties💕 father and daughter reunited at last.

Asia was more shocked than angry at this point. George had to know about her post, and if he did why would he let her say that? Okay yeah it wasn't the worst thing that Devin could write, but she shouldn't be calling George a "cutie" when he's already taken. She thought about calling George and demanding answers, but she knew that he would be home shortly. She took a deep breath then went upstairs to the bedroom. Ten minuets later she heard the front door open, followed by George's voice.

"Hey babe." He smiled brightly at Asia as he walked into the room.

She picked up her head to glare at him. "Don't."

"Don't, what?"

"Act like you don't know."

"Know what?"

She scoffed and pulled up Devin's post. "This." She said and tossed him her phone.

"What about it?"

"Seriously George?!" Asia hissed, she rolled her eyes then slammed the bathroom door.

"You seriously can't be mad that she took a picture of me with Riley?" The only response that George got was a few strangled sobs. He sighed and leaned against the door. "Asia I'm sorry okay? But Riley is my daughter so of course I'm going to take pictures with her."

"That's not the point." She replied through the door.

"So then what's making you upset?"

Asia sighed and opened up the door. She kept her eyes trained on the ground. "The thing that's bothering me is that all three of you look like one little happy family." She wiped a few tears away from her face. "I just want that for you and me."

"Asia.." He let his words trail off as he pulled her in for a tight hug. He didn't like that Asia felt this way, if anything he wanted her to feel like she could be apart of all of this. Yes she may not be Riley's mother, but over time maybe Riley will be able to warm up to Asia and accept her in her life. When Asia pulled away from him her makeup was smeared all over her face. She looked like a raccoon got into a fight with a drag queen. He smiled softly and wiped her face with his jacket sleeve.

"You wanna go watch a movie?"

"Yeah, just let me take a quick shower first."

**note: grammar errors fixed on March 14th, 21016

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