Unwanted Guest(15)

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**note: the image is what I picture Kiara to look like.

"You do know that I could just pick the lock right?" Jorel told Vanessa as they stood on Asia and George's front porch. They had been standing there for about a half hour now and Jorel was starting to get irritated.

"Babe, George is not an idiot, he probably has some type of alarm system." She replied and rolled her eyes. "You are not picking the lock."

"Where did she say that they went?" He asked suddenly, then sat down in one of the chairs.

"All she said was that they were on their way back."

"How long ago was that?"

Vanessa sighed and glanced down at her phone. "About a half hour ago."

"I though that you didn't like Asia?" Jorel said with confusion.

"I'm not a fan of her but I can tolerate her because of George, just like you can."

He nodded his head and stood up. "Finally."

"Hey guys!" Asia called when she stepped out of the car.

"Where the hell were you two?!" Jorel snapped, Asia rolled her eyes at the Italian. Vanessa saw this and glared at her when she turned her back.

"Out." She replied when she approached the steps, while Jorel talked with her, Vanessa looked over at George and saw that he was rounding the car with Riley following behind him. She gasped, a smile coming across her face.

"Aw Jorel! Look!"

Jorel sighed because he knew what he would hear once he got back home with her. "Jorel I want a baby" was all he'd been hearing since Riley's birthday party. Sadly Danny wasn't the only one who got told by his girlfriend that she wanted a child.

"I see that." Jorel replied once Riley reached the steps, Vanessa held her hand out and Riley took it.

"Hey beautiful, you are looking extra adorable today."

"Thank you Nessa." Riley replied softly, Vanessa giggled then allowed Riley to lead her into the house.

"Where's Devin?" Jorel asked as he shut the door.

"She had work today and Abby went for a tattoo internship, so Riley's staying the night with us."

"Sounds like a fun date night." Jorel joked then elbowed George lightly.

They entered the living room to see Riley was sitting beside Vanessa and they were having a conversation while Asia cleaned up the living room. Jorel sat down the medium size box on the floor then plopped down on the couch, exhaling in relief.

"Sorry about the mess you guys, it's been pretty hectic here since the announcement of the tour."

"It's fine." Vanessa told her but her main focus was on Riley obviously so she didn't completely hear Asia.

"Riley, are you excited for tour?" Jorel asked, Riley's eyes widened with happiness.

"Yes!" She exclaimed then paused. "Is mommy coming too?"

"Of course she is." George replied, her smile only grew wider.

"Are you going to cheer for us and sing along?" Jorel asked her, she nodded excitedly.

"Are you going to crash all of their concerts with how flippin adorable you are?" Vanessa asked her.


George approached her and scooped her up into his arms, lifting her up high into the air making airplane noises. Jorel chuckled and shook his head, never in his life did he ever imagine George Ragan having a daughter and making airplane noises.

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