Date Night(19)

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Devin held Riley's hand tightly as they walked down the street to one of the local salons. She stepped through the door, all around her women were getting their hair done professionally and chatting with each other. It had been a while since she had gotten her hair done in an expressive salon, the last time she had was for her senior prom. Today, she had decided she wanted a new look and after paying off the bills, buying groceries and getting Riley some new clothes, she had enough left over to treat herself.

"Why are we here momma?"

"We're here because I want to do something different with my hair." Devin replied. "That sound okay to you?"

"But I like your short hair." Riley pouted, gently stroking Devin's hair.

"I know baby, but you might like it different too."

Devin got comfortable in one of the black chairs while keeping her eyes on Riley who sat on a couch. The woman who approached Devin was clearly younger than her and had short pastel pink hair. She stood behind Devin and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Anna. What can I do for you today?" 

"Well I brought these in," she said pulling out a new box of hair extensions she had ordered from VP Fashion. "And I was wondering if you could put them in for me."

"Oh that's perfectly fine, I'll get right on this." She said with a smile and covered Devin with a black plastic sheet.

"Is that your daughter?"

Devin looked at Riley who still sat on the couch against the wall, looking around while kicking her legs back and forth. Devin was very relieved that she was behaving so well.

"Yes, she is." Devin replied proudly. "Her name is Riley."

"That's an adorable name," she said. "I was asking because she's being so good, most kids aren't as behaved as her."

"I think it just may be my lucky day to be honest."

Anna laughed and they both soon fell silent while Anna began separating Devin's hair into sections. Once she had two pieces in Riley got up and ran towards her with a smile.

"What are you putting in your hair mommy?"

"It's hair extensions, it's going to make mommy's hair longer." Devin explained, pushing strands of hair out of Riley's eyes.

"Okay mommy."

Devin smiled and while Riley looked up at her putting her weight on Devin's legs, Devin heard her phone begin ringing from her purse.

"I get it mommy!"

Riley dug through Devin's purse until she found the purple and blue phone case, she handed it to Devin with a smile.

"Thank you baby." She looked at the number and realized that it was Sid. Quickly she answered it, a blush colored her cheeks.


"Hey Devin, it's Sid."

She smiled to herself and felt her heart clench at the sound of his voice.

"How have you been Sid?"

"Pretty good," he replied. "What about you?"

"I'm good, thank you."

"Uhm hey, I was wondering if you're busy tonight at all? Me and the guys are in town for a while and I wanted to take you out."

"I don't have any plans."

She heard him sigh in relief. "Well in that case would you make me a very lucky man and go out with me tonight?"

Devin smiled but she hesitated to give him an answer. Sid was a really nice guy and she really wanted to go out with him, but who would watch Riley? George was on tour and Abby had left with Corey to go on tour with him for a few weeks. Damn it! Well what could it hurt? Maybe Asia could watch Riley tonight.

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