Chapter 10: First Morning Together

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Caleb Elric Basques

I woke up from my lovely sleep with my love of my life sleeping peacefully next to me. I didn't even tried to wake her up, so I moved slowly then went to the kitchen and prepared some simple breakfast for her. I looked at her fridge to get some bacons, hotdogs then eggs. I even started the stove and heat the pan then start cooking. I cooked the two eggs then hotdogs and bacons as I wait for them to cook, I took some oranges and made some fresh orange juice.

When I was done, I started to do the plating and when everything was done, I went to her room along with the breakfast I made for us.

"Mei." I wake her up.

She was lovely in her bed hair yawning as she stretched her body and arms then meet my gaze. She was surprised to what I did. She smiled at me.

"Breakfast?" I asked her with lovely smirk I could show her and she nodded.

We ate and enjoyed them while talking about random things then shared laughter to one another.

"I think we must go." She said to me as she glanced on her phone on her side table.

"Okay, I'll see you at school." I told her as I took our empty plates and she nodded then went to the bathroom.

I do the cleaning and when I was done, I left a note on her side table then I left in hurry.

Shannon Mei Vidal

When I woke from a lovely voice from Caleb, I can't help myself from smiling and to my surprised, he managed to cook some breakfast for us and I loved it. We ate peaceful, talking random things that I got the feeling I'm getting closed to him and we even laugh to every encounters that we found amusing.

Oh I'm seriously falling for him but he shouldn't know for now...

I glanced on my phone on the side table; I groaned deep within my thoughts because we need to moved up and hurry because we still do have classes to attend with. I hate it but we must.

"Okay, I'll see at school." He told me as he took the liberty to clean up.

I was so shy but time was ticking and I took some clothes from my wardrobe then jumped onto my bathroom. My bathroom was typically simple like what simple people usually have within their bathroom. I took off and tossed my clothes on the basket then hopped on the shower area.

"Geez, I can't wait to see him again...I must thank him to what he did last night and for the tasty breakfast." I mumbled as I let the water poured down on me.

When I was done, I covered myself with my towel then went to the room and there I saw a note on my side table.

'I went home to shower and please My Queen, smile. Love, Your Caleb.'

After reading it, I found myself smiling from cheeks to cheeks. My cheeks felt so hot from it. I shook my head then fixed myself and get ready for school.

Text message...

To Caleb Elric:

I got your note. Seriously, making me I'm didn't ask to go on date yet.


From Caleb Elric:

^__^ don't worry I will if you want me too. By the way, I'm my way to school.

As I received them, I smiled and seems like we left our homes at the same time. Funny, but I'm still closer than to his. Anyway, on my way to school, I can't help myself from smiling and this was my first time feeling so happy but they shouldn't know. I'm the Ice Queen of the school; I need to put a mask apart from Caleb.

[next: Care for You]

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