Chapter 20: Used to Be Ice

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Shannon Mei Vidal

Its been two weeks after the graduation and here I was, not a single words will be heard to me once again. I worked my ass of at the Hasten that made them nervous or uneasy even Light was worried about my sudden silence. I knew can feel my range that's why I asked Light something personal.

"Light, I want to go back on my hunting. I felt rusty." I said in my cold approached.

He didn't said anything but nodded then gave me a thick file that needed to be done. As I received it, I was about to leave when I heard Light said something to me.

"Never the pain gets through this one. That file I gave you was supposed Frost work but since his not here and you want to escape from pain, that file might help you." Light told me but I didn't looked back at him, I just closed the door and went to my office then read the file not minding what Light said to me.

I read the file when I got to my very own quiet office. I scanned the files until it hit me again. The words of Light started to bug me.

'you want to escape from pain, that file might help you.'

I wonder how these files ever going to help me from feeling this sudden pain. I don't know why but I smirked to what I just read.

"Ashford...huh..." I mumbled while grinning devilish to myself then I continued reading the file until I found it.

"There you go..." I laughed to myself then closed the file folder then left the headquarters without saying to anyone even though I heard them whispering about me being back to an ice.

Well, that's who I am, am I? funny. Let just get going on my hunting ground!

When I did, here it goes at my favorite ground with neon lights around the street, this was the place I found something interesting...

Time was ticking normally; breathing was same as old days. Rusty? Not in my watch. Very not this time. In this very night, I found someone that I've been waiting to showed up.

Tick tack! First breathing was normal as I followed my new found prey walking – oh, not walking but wobbling from being drunken. Well, boy's night out what do you expect. Anyway, carefully yet normally I walked calmly behind him like a shadow would do.

Tick tack! Second breathing was normal but having different approached to his skin. He glanced back from feeling another presence lurking around but found nothing. He can't see me. perfect. He continued his walk toward his car but there it goes again. He glanced back like he was hallucinating but no. he just doesn't see me from his blind spot.

Funny on how panic he was showing to me. he was like going to pee any moment from it.

Tick tack! Ohho, third breathing was normal if you want but not him. He was panicking like a chicken with a stranger on the lot. He was about to opened his car when my reflection was viewed to the windshield of his car. Hell yes! This was good. He was panicking to see a shadow figure with glowing icy eyes at night, whose not going to be afraid of that? anyway, he glanced back again with palpitating vein on his neck from feeling the fear raising onto his nerves that made him shouted.


Seriously, what a stupid question for a prey.

Nobody answered. He went back to his car but when he did, I was in front of him, like a ghost. Peek-a-boo thing. he was startled by my presence then he speak again.

"WHAT THE! YOU SCARED ME! WAIT! Are you lost? Do you want a ride?"

I didn't answered while my head was glued onto the ground but I can tell what he's doing. He was being nice but not in drunken state. He was about to touch me but before he could, I looked to him with my glowing icy eyes that made him fell onto his ground as he pee.

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