Chapter 19: He's Gone

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Caleb Elric Basques

On our week of preparation for our graduation day, everything run smoothly until I received a phone call while waiting for Mei at our place because we've got less time together since Monday because she's an honour student.

'Frost, we found your sister and she was on Black Market slave.'

"Under who's name?" I asked as Light reported me.

Yes, I have a younger sister that grew up with my parents under the Hasten while me grew up under my grandparents supervision since my parents we're rarely home but I understand that. I knew I have a sister, since I've talked and seen her while our parents got a chance to get home but on rare occasion only. Light told me about my sister missing after our parents died, so I ask Light to help me located her and he agreed to me because he's doing it while watching me.

'Reuses Family, they were tight family that you don't want to mess with.'

"Well, I'm just going to buy my sister then. Light, prepare the transaction me to meet them after my graduation and kindly don't tell this to anyone even to Icy." I seriously said to him.

'Are you sure?' Light asked me like he knew what's going between me and Icy.

I nodded as I responded yes to him.

'Okay, I'll get you a perfect suit since they're going to have a feast on Saturday. I'll text you the details.'

"Okay, thanks, Light. See you later." I said then hanged up that exactly Mei came in my view.

She was really my reason why I always have to smile with no worries at all but things won't be too long. I'm head over heels for her and hope she'll understand why I must do this.

Shannon Mei Vidal

When I got to our meeting place, I noticed that he was on his phone and I heard a bit conversation to someone until I heard him said his goodbye that turned out to be my cue to showed up.

"Who's that?" I asked as I walked toward him while sitting under the cherry blossom tree.

"A friend that I asked some favour." He replied to me while lending me his homemade sandwich.

"What favour?" I asked with curiosity as took the tuna sandwich from him.

"To find someone that my parents requested me to locate." He told me as he ate his sandwich.

I just nodded then watched him carefully then there it goes again, I felt my fear that's building inside was raising once again. I shook my head then ate my sandwich instead then the school bell rang again.

CEB went ahead to his class because he was on his duty to arrange the instruments for the class while me I'm stock at the locker area and that's because of the three bitches again. They never learn actually.

"Shannon, this will be the last warning. STAY AWAY from CEB." Andrea warned me that seriously shook my nerves to the edge all of the sudden.

"You better do it or else – " Riza said but I cut her off.

"Else what, Riza?" I asked with my poker face but sarcastic voice that really annoyed them.

"YOU BITCH!!!" Riza and Clara shouted then attacked me.

I didn't dodged their attacks on me. Punched, hair pulled, pushed me hard that made me fall onto my butt then the kicked me 5-15 times while Andrea and the other student just watch them beat me. When I heard them pant and stopped for a moment, I stood up like they didn't do anything to me. Shocked written onto their faces that made me calmly looked at them. I smiled then I walked closer to those two who tried to hold their ground shaking.

"I can understand Andrea but you two, I don't. You're just an obsessed fanatic screaming fans of CEB that using Andrea for you to get close to him. But guess what, CEB won't go to girls who hurt someone he cared. You two are just user. You just used Andrea's real feeling for CEB and yes, I know she likes him but you two just want fame on your own because Andrea was well known here as Fire Queen before you turned her Queen of Bullies." I snapped at them.

Seriously, Andrea and I always fought in academically but since CEB get in the way, these two always hanged around Andrea not in good way but more, just like this. They turned Andrea into bully state because of her feelings for CEB. I know, I'm also a watcher – I like observing things that interest me.

"This time, I must put it on end. You two really getting on my nerves. You took my only rival in academic, in sports and my only girl friend I had in this school. I had enough of you using her!" I still snapped at them.

"If you two still don't stop on using her, I. Won't. Stop. Hunting. You. Down." I glared at her as I meant every word I whispered to them.

They shivered then fell onto the ground like they saw death behind me then they run off like a scare cat on loose. Everyone clapped their hands on what just happened while Andrea was struck on that scene because she never thought I'll defend her or should say she never expect what I just said to those two.

"I think you should go." I told Andrea who was still stunned on her ground.

I chuckled because this is the Andrea I knew. Aside from CEB, she the one first one who saw me smiling within the school.

"I missed this side of you Andy. But I'm okay, I'm stronger than this..." I said to her calmly then I went back to my locker like nothing happened.

She chuckled then leaned on the locker next to me. she looked at me with amazed written onto her face that I really missed from her.

"I missed this. Anyway, see you at college." Andrea said like we're been friends again.

"Yeah." I replied then she left like nothing really happened awhile ago.

Seriously, something really off; I just snapped at them but in some way, I could see Andrea in her approachable side and yes, we're going at the same college while I hope he's the same.

Time passed by as for today was our graduation and everything was smooth until the end of the ceremony. Andrea and I became friends slash rival once again but the most thing I ever wanted to see was not here to be found.

He was gone.

[note: like i promise, two chapters as updates for this Sunday ^^

only few chapters to go ^^

feel free to comment to your heart contents it might help me to my future novels and kindly watch out for these titles...

Vlad Cross - a les love story between a human and vampire-witch;

(Revised) Re: Sun x Moon - another les story about supernatural creatures like abomination...

anyway they are lots of novels to come so, wish me luck to finish them all ^^]

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