Chapter 2

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"I thought everything he did was beautiful, even breaking me."

I woke up to a huge headache and I had no idea once again what was going on or where even was I and for goodness sake why was my whole body and head aching so damn badly.

I opened my eyes, but closed them as quickly as I had just opened them, since the light in the room was hurting me. I went to rub them only to notice that I couldn't move my hands nor my legs which made me open my eyes now once again, tears brimming the corners of them, because of the intense light that had been turned to face me.

"Help, is someone there?!" I started screaming, though my voice was hoarse from the lack of water, I had absolutely no idea where I was or why I was even here. I couldn't exactly see the room that I was in as well, because of the bright light that was still pretty much blinding me.

"Please, can somebody hear me!? Is anyone here? Someone help!!" I kept screaming, and trying to pull on the restrains that were binding me to the wall. There was no use though, because they wouldn't budge even the slightest, so after about 5 minutes of just screaming and pulling I was pretty out of breath. I really should work out more I kept thinking to myself sarcastically.

After about another 5 minutes I heard a door opening somewhere in the room and quite a few pairs of footsteps coming in. I was trying my hardest to see the people who had come in but I could only make out like 5 or possibly more dark figures just standing there and whispering something.

"Help me!" I said growing frustrated at them for just standing there and not doing anything.

That seemed to catch their attention as they all seemed to focus on me now and one of them finally decided to step a bit closer to me so I now could see the man more clearly.

That's when everything seemed to come back to me, my parents screaming, the window shattering, that man, and that god damn metal arm of his.

No one in the room said anything, it looked like they had all turned their focus on me and that man in front of me.

"You," I said staring at his mask covered face angrily.

I have no idea what triggered this sudden anger in me and made me think it was a good idea to start pulling on the restrains once again, but I did. Though as I found out, as I felt myself being kicked in the stomach by him, wasn't probably the best idea.

I immediately let out a loud screech from the horrible pain flowing through my body, I have never experienced this kind of pain ever before, but something at the back of my head told me that this won't be the last time I'm going to feel this kind of pain. I felt my eyes being blurred by the tears that threatened to fall any moment now. I kept coughing and trying to catch my breath.

"Now, now, asset, be nice to our guest" I heard another voice finally coming from the room and I tried to open my eyes to look at who the voice belonged to, but as soon as I opened my eyes, the tears flowed freely down my face, even though I tried to suck it up as hard as possible.

"Hey, hey, little one, no, don't cry" the man came closer to me and started wiping my face with his hands, but I snapped my head quickly away.

"Oh, so we got ourselves a fighter?" he laughed wickedly, which wasn't making me feel any better, but I wasn't gonna let them see me weak, "So tell me fighter, what's your name?" he asked me so sickeningly sweetly that I wanted to barf.

I wasn't planning to give them any information, I had no idea who these people were and why did they have me tied up in this room, but even a 5 year old could tell that this wasn't going to end well.

"Silent treatment? I see," he said still with the same sick tone, "well, you see little one, you are either going to answer my question or you are going to have another one of those," he stopped for a moment to press on my stomach with his fingers, which made me wince and bite my lip so no noise could escape my lips, "well, let me ask you once more, what's your name?"

"Katie" I said quickly.

"No, no, no, little one, we won't accept any form of lying here," he told me while shaking his head, "Asset, please" he turned to the guy with a metal arm and motioned with his hand towards me.

"NO! Please I'm s-" I got cut off by a feeling of a really strong fist colliding with my chin, the tears were flowing freely at this point and I let out an even worse scream than before and started coughing up blood.

I looked towards the so-called asset in front of me, though the tears made him blurry, I could definitely make out his outline and I couldn't help myself from spitting right at his face.

His mask got covered with the mix of my saliva and blood and he obviously didn't like that because I saw his hand raising once again, but before it could collide with any other part of me, the man who had talked to me before stepped in, "That's enough for now, winter soldier!" he said loud and clear and the guy just looked at him and then he did something that I wasn't expecting. He took off his mask.

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