Chapter 37

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"Kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of everything wrong with my life." -Beau Taplin

This past week has gone by painfully slow. I mean I've gotten to know the others quite well and they all seem fine so far. They've all been really nice and accepting towards me and Buck, and I honestly couldn't be more grateful for that and what matters the most is the fact that they haven't given me any reason to not trust them, which is a huge deal for me, since I don't trust anyone.

Guess Hydra messed me up more than I thought possible. It's hard to trust when you've been through all the things they put us through. It's even harder when there are people who you know you should and used to trust, but something inside keeps telling you to not let them in. To shut everyone you once loved and cared about out. To not open up. To just keep it all inside like a good little girl you are supposed to be, like the silent assassin they made you.

Bucky laid his hands on my shoulders, but it was his voice that snapped me out of my thoughts, "They want to take us out today."

"Huh?" I shook my head a little before throwing it back to be able to look up at him, "What do you mean out? Out where?"

Buck shrugged his shoulders, but made me follow him anyway.

* * *

I looked at the huge building that they had brought us to. 'Smithsonian'  I read, not really getting why we were here still and by the looks of it, nobody in the car seemed to be giving any answer to that either.

Wilson and Rogers were the first to get out, and both Cindy nor Bucky were't too far behind. Which left me sitting in the middle back seat, not feeling confident enough to leave the car. Gosh, what if somebody recognised us? People wouldn't probably think twice about shooting us down.

"Adriana?" Bucky was still holding a door open for me.

I looked at him, then at the others who were waiting for me and then down at my hands, "I'm not sure I can do this." I spoke in a small voice.

Cindy and Rogers both quickly started reassuring me, but the only thing my mind could focus on was the sigh that left Bucky's mouth. I didn't even have to look at him to know that he had closed his eyes out of frustration. I frustrated this guy way too much, I knew that much. I didn't like doing it, but I couldn't let go of the paranoia I felt.

"Adriana, you know I am here. You're not doing this alone." and you could even hear the frustration in his voice.

I let out a sigh of my own. Though mine wasn't from frustration, but more of accepting the fact that I can never fight nor resist whatever he tells me.

I got out of the car and noticed a small smile on Bucky's face, which I returned even thought I didn't feel like smiling. We made our way into the museum, as I found out it was. I pulled my hood over my head and looked around at the different things that were displayed here. It was near impossible to miss the huge signs that announced the Captain America exhibition. As soon as I noticed these I knew exactly why they had brought us here.

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