Chapter 36

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"The feel of her head against his shoulder, of her familiar body, sent a shock of emotion over him. His arms holding her had a tendency to tighten around her." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

I don't know the exact moment when I fell asleep last night. However what I did know definitely was that I woke up to someone softly snoring close to my ear, my back tightly pressed against their body and his strong arms wrapped around my body.

I also knew that last night had been an utter chaos. The people that had ran into my room must have thought I was insane, which I don't blame them of thinking, I would have done the same.

Though there was a face that I couldn't get out of my head, Cindy's. And that was not only because of what I had done to her uncle. It was her. I could've sworn I saw her in my room last night. Even if my whole vision was blurred and I was freaking out like a crazy person, I know what I saw and it was her.

I lifted Bucky's arm lightly to wriggle myself out of bed, but as soon as I moved my body, I could feel the hold he had on my body tighten while he nuzzled his nose against to the crook of my neck. He needs to stop with all of those little things. I can feel my stomach doing flips every time he does something like this.

I tried moving again, but this time I was stopped by his groggy morning voice, "Where are you going?"

His lips brushed against my neck as he spoke and I struggled to keep my breathing steady, "I need to get my notebook."

He mumbled something that I didn't catch, but finally he let me go. I climbed out of the bed as quickly as I could and let out a sigh while looking for my notebook under the pile of clothes they had given me. The thing was that no matter how hard I searched it wasn't there. I was about to ask Bucky if he knew anything about it, but before I could open my mouth something on the table caught my eye.

There was a note that read 'press the button', I looked around the room to see whether it was a trap of some sort, but the only other interesting thing in my room was Bucky, who had changed his position on the bed and fallen asleep again. Typical.

I pressed the button and immediately someone started talking, "Good morning, Miss Darkness and Winter Soldier!" I cringed at the names, "My name is Jarvis and I have been asked to tell you that you're waited to join some people downstairs for breakfast. The kitchen is located on the first floor, to the right. If you're in need of any assistance just let me know and I'm at your service."

"We should get ready then." I jumped as Bucky spoke.

He was sitting on the bed and I figured he had woken up as soon as I had pressed the button. I didn't feel like arguing, so I simply nodded and started looking for something to wear.

* * *

All eyes were on us as soon as we stepped into the kitchen, but my eyes were fixated on one person only. I knew I had seen her last night, I knew I wasn't dreaming. She was struggling with standing there, that was obvious. Even from this far I could see her hands and knees shaking and her eyes were welling up with tears. Please don't start crying, I thought to myself.

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