Chapter 21

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"Every time I look at you I tell myself that I'm not supposed to feel this way but despite that fact I feel storms in my stomach every time you break a smile and my heart catches in my throat when I hear you voice caressing like gentle fingers and even though I know it's wrong, I can't help but marvel in the idea of how perfect you are." -C.C 

I was looking through both of the folders Soldier had given me a few hours ago and studied our two new targets. Hydra had said that we would have to take them down in case they fail to do it and so we needed to be ready.

Whatever I did I couldn't get Soldier out of my head today. He was always there at the back of my mind. I didn't know what I felt towards him, I knew that we were meant to be best friends but from time to time I couldn't help but wonder what he thought of me. The way he kept stealing glances at me during trainings, the way he walked over to help me, the way he always seemed to intentionally move closer, and the way he said things to me when no one was around to hear. I wished to know what was going through this head of his every time that we were around each other, because god knows my mind was always a hurricane when he was close.

I shook my head for what felt like the hundredth time already to get him out of my head and to turn my focus back on the two people in front of me, Steven Grant Rogers "Steve Rogers" and Natalia Alianovna Romanova "Natasha Romanoff".

"We need to go!" Soldier opened my door and left.

I quickly got up and ran after him to catch up, "Where?"

* * *

"I'm going to go Mr Pierce. You need anything before I leave?" we heard Pierce's maid call out.

I saw Soldier's metal arm clench but I decided to ignore it. I knew how on edge he was sitting there, I felt the exact same way. We were kind of known as a myth. People weren't supposed to know of our existence. I mean of course some knew about us, but mostly we were just told as a ghost story. A lot of people didn't believe that we existed and we prefered it that way to be honest.

"No..." Pierce seemed caught off guard as he noticed us sitting behind the table, "Uh, it's fine, Renata, you can go home."

"Okay. Night-night." just leave.

"Good night." Pierce said back and she finally walked away.

He was still staring straight at us uncomfortably, but as the door closed he seemed to come back from his trance, "Want some milk?" he asked us while getting a glass.

This confused both me and the Soldier, I think. Why was he asking us something like that? We were never asked if we wanted anything. We were told what to do. We weren't allowed to have our own opinion in anything, we didn't have the right to choose what we wanted. So him asking us that made no sense whatsoever.

"The timetable has moved. Our window is limited. Two targets. Level Six. They already cost me Zola." he came and sat in front of us, "I want confirmed death in ten hours." Done.

"Sorry, Mr Pierce, I..." Renata came back, "I forgot my phone." she started stuttering as soon as she saw us.

I already had my hand ready on my gun, that laid on the table, to shoot the woman, but Pierce didn't seem to agree as he lifted his hand a little to motion me to not do anything.

"Oh, Renata, I wish you would have knocked." he said before grabbing my gun and killing the woman.

* * *

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