Chapter 34

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"Sometimes it's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose..." -Meredith Grey

"And this is your room." Wilson told me as we all stepped into another huge bedroom.

It really didn't look all that different from the room they showed us before that was supposed to be Bucky's. I honestly think the only difference between the rooms was the colour of the walls.

I walked around the room, looking at all the different things in it. It was beautiful I had to admit that, really modern in fact. The thing that made me a little happier about our new home was the amount of books we had in our rooms, which for me meant more ways to spend my time. Though I wasn't too sure about how much free time we were gonna be given here.

I hated the fact that I was being watched again. I knew it was far from what Hydra had put us through and how we were being treated there, but then again I didn't know these people here and I didn't trust anyone other than Bucky.

Speaking of which, I couldn't help but get the weird feeling in the bit of my stomach, like I was gonna be sick, when I thought about sleeping in different rooms with Buck. I mean, I know that it's normal, us sleeping apart, but I hadn't done that for so long and as weird as that sounds, I sometimes felt that he was the only thing that was protecting me from the nightmares that didn't seem to want to leave me alone.

"Do you need anything from the place you were staying before? We can go and pick up everything that you need." Rogers looked at me as he spoke.

I wasn't really sure if I needed anything from there but I definitely knew that I wasn't still ready to speak to the two of them. I just wanted to be left alone at this point so I just shrugged my shoulders and walked up to the bookshelf.

"Well if you need anything-"

But Bucky cut in before Rogers could finish, "I want to get something from there."

That made me turn my attention from the book in my hands to Bucky. What did he want to get from there? We didn't have anything valuable there.

"Alright," Rogers smiled at him, "What do you need? We can go and pick it up for you."

"No." Bucky spoke quickly and Rogers seemed a little taken aback by that, "I want to get it myself."

I wanted to ask Bucky what was it that he seemed so desperate to get but he was acting kind of secretive about whatever it was or maybe that was just the fact that Rogers and Wilson were in the room. I turned my focus back on the book and read the excerpt from the back cover.

"Fine," I heard Rogers sigh finally, "But we will be coming with you."

"I don't need babysitters." Bucky sounded defensive.

"I know-" Rogers started explaining but was cut off once again.

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