Chapter 4

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"I think I am surviving in all the wrong ways."

I got up as quickly as I could and immediately started banging at the door, "Let me out of here! Can you hear me? You still there? Let me out!!" I kept shouting like that for a good 3 minutes, but seeing as no one was opening the door, I finally turned around and looked at the room that I was being trapped in. The whole room was just white. And when I say white, I actually mean white, literally the walls, the ceiling, the ground, everything, absolutely every part of the room was white, even the door I had been banging against before was white. Though there were those round shaped metal things in the middle of every wall, which confused me more than anything. There was literally nothing in the room, except me. I started walking around the room to get a better look at it and I noticed a camera at the ceiling which actually had a pretty great view to every bit of the room.

I was becoming more and more angry and I wanted to break the stupid camera, but the ceiling was too damn high for me to reach so I couldn't.

Finally I decided to just sit down and wait for what was to come next. Turns out I didn't have to wait long, because all of a sudden something in the room started beeping, followed by some steam that started coming out of the round things on the walls. From a reflex, I quickly covered my nose and mouth, because I had no idea what this steam was supposed to be.

"No need to cover your nose Adriana. This steam is simply to make the room as cold as possible," well that answered my question and it also made me quickly stand up and start moving around to not get hypothermia, "If you're ready to work for us let us know!" the voice finished.

I started mentally cursing myself for going to sleep in my leggings and an over-sized T-shirt, because they weren't doing too great of a job at keeping me warm right now. The worst part of it all being though that my feet were completely bare.

The room was getting colder and colder with every passing minute and after about 10 or so minutes I honestly just kept trying to keep myself moving, which turned out to be harder than expected. My whole body felt numb and I struggled to feel my toes. I knew I had to keep moving though. I kept circling around the room and trying to heat up my cold fingers with my breath. I kept losing my ability to feel any part of my body after about 20-30 more minutes, to be completely honest every minute that passed felt like an hour.

Finally my whole body went numb and I collapsed onto the floor and as hard as I tried to get up, nothing worked. My arms looked sickly white and blue and I was willing to bet that the rest of my body wasn't doing much better. My body was totally failing me.

"Adriana, do you want to get out and cooperate?" the voice echoed throughout the whole room.

And as much as I hated the feeling of weakness, I hated them so much more "Go fuck yourselves!" I managed to get out between my clattering teeth.

No one spoke after that. It was complete silence, well except the noise that came from those rings on the wall. I tried to move my hands and legs, but my body wasn't cooperating with me and so I just laid on that cold ground, waiting, praying that this would all end. Somehow my mind wandered to all of my friends and family and I started thinking about how they must feel right now, how worried they must all be, and then my mind started thinking about how peaceful it would be to just go like that, to lay here in the cold and close my eyes and to never open them again. God knows it's better than everything they all were going to put me through anyway.

So I closed my eyes and waited for the hypothermia to do it's job and take me away. Take me away from this place.

It seemed to finally start working, my eyes started growing heavier and heavier and everything seemed to work out like I planned for once. Well that's what I thought. I was almost there, almost there.

And then all of a sudden my numb body wasn't against the floor anymore, it was in the hands of someone. I tried opening my eyes to see what was going on. I tried and tried and tried and then finally I managed to get them open, and I was met with a pair of piercing blue ones looking straight into my own.

I tried to move. I tried so hard. I wanted to get out of his arms, but my body was still numb and I couldn't do anything other than to stare at him. Thankfully he turned away after a few more seconds and looked straight ahead, without any emotion evident in his face.

All of a sudden, I felt warmth hit my body and I could immediately tell that I was out of there. He kept walking, not looking at me for once. He walked like I weighed nothing. He walked until we were outside another door. He kicked it open with his leg, carried me in and laid me down on the floor there. He then got up and made his way back to the door, looked at me once more and then closed the door after himself, which left me stuck in the darkness.

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