Chapter 8

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"It's hard to explain but something is missing. I'm not happy or sad. I just feel empty. Everything I have is gone. Like something inside of me is missing and I can't explain it. Something inside me is gone and I want it back."

"No," I whispered, "no, you wouldn't do that" I shook my head harder than ever, he wouldn't do that, would he. Surely he couldn't be that monstrous.

"Oh I wouldn't," he said and I stopped to look at him for a moment, "but he would." he finished while pointing at their asset.

"No you wouldn't!" I said a bit louder and started shaking my head once again.

"Do you want me to prove you that I would make him do that?" he asked and it didn't take me even a second to scream back "No!"

"Good, you seem to care about them," he told me again while looking at the wall behind him and my eyes travelled there as well.

There were a couple of pictures displayed on the wall. My family, my best friends. They knew me and the people I cared about. It seemed like he knew exactly what I had dreamed about before. I couldn't let them get hurt, I just couldn't. He told me what he would do to them, I felt like crying, I still do.

Suddenly he stood up straight again and walked over to the pictures "Tell me, which one should we kill first?" he started pacing in front of the pictures, "is it gonna be your dear mother? little brother? maybe Cindy, is it? or perhaps your cousin Abby?" he kept looking and pointing at the different pictures, "Pity, isn't it? They will die because of you." he looked at me once again.

I felt completely weak. I was still down on the floor where their asset had dropped me before. I just kept looking at the pictures on the wall, I was unable to tear my eyes away from them. I was unable to get his words out of my head.

"Leave them alone, please!" my voice cracked and I felt my vision blurring.

"Adriana, dear," the old man turned back towards me, "why of course, but you know what you'll have to do then, don't you?" he started coming over again, "Just say the words."

"I-I," I didn't want to, why couldn't they just kill me, "I-want-to-work-for-you." I said as quickly as I could.

"Sorry, just couldn't make out what you said there." he smiled, he knew I didn't want to say it and he was doing it on purpose.

"I want to work for you." I spit out once again, it felt like venom on my tongue. I hated it, I hated everything at this point.

"Good job! See it wasn't so hard," he clapped his hands together, "so, now that we got this out of the way. Guards, take her to room 206!" he gave the orders and as on cue, two guards came, pulled me up from the ground and started dragging me to some new room.

I didn't resist, not anymore. There was no point, they would just beat me up and get me there anyway. I gave myself to them and there was no turning back now. I just let myself get dragged to 'room 206' as the man said and stared at the ground. I felt eyes on me, there were guards following us, I couldn't care less.

"She finally agreed," I heard some people whispering as we entered the room. I knew they were talking about me, you didn't exactly need to be a genius to figure that out.

I got lifted on some metal table, I just sat there and looked around the room. There were many people with lab coats walking around the room and checking on monitors and various formulas. There were five guards in the room, six if I counted 'the asset' as a guard too. And then there was that man, I'm pretty sure he is in charge of it all.

After a few more minutes, a man with a lab coat came up to me and told me to lay down. I didn't say a word, I just did as I was told. He nodded and looked at me. "Don't move" he told me and walked away, only to return seconds later with some wet cloth thingy in his hand.

"It might sting a little," he told me before putting the cloth on my chin. "Fuck," I hissed out as soon as the contact was made. I hadn't seen myself in the mirror, but I bet I looked like a mess. And from what I gathered by the stinging on my chin then it seemed to be bruised pretty badly. The man wiped my chin one last time and then moved on to my wrists and ankles, since they were pretty bloody as well.

"That's better," the man told me while wiping my left ankle for the last time and throwing the cloth away. I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been keeping in.

"Okay, she is ready!" he called out, which got others attention. Some more people came over and my body got strapped to the table. There were now restraints not only on my ankles and wrists, but over my legs, stomach and chest as well. I didn't know what to expect from any of this. I just kept looking around as best as I could, as much as my head would turn.

People kept walking around with different bottles and capsules in their hands. I noticed the old man saying something to the asset but I couldn't make out what it was. I was just praying that he had kept his word and not told him to go and do something to anyone. The man noticed me staring after a while and came over, the asset hot on his tracks.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," his attempt of joke was awful, but I decided it's better not to tell him that, "don't worry, you won't remember a thing soon." he smiled wickedly and I didn't dare to ask him what he meant by that.

Suddenly I felt a needle go into my neck and I wanted to turn my head, but whoever was doing it seemed to be expecting that, so their hand was holding my head in place. As soon as the needle was out I looked for the person who had done it, but he had already turned away. I looked back at the old man and noticed him still smiling at me. Cold, blue eyes. Those were the last thing I saw before my eyes grew too heavy and I drifted off.

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