Chapter 23

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"You were so kind and beautiful, before they dragged you to hell and my darling, they say the loveliest angels make the cruelest demons."

Soldier was trying to get to know me once again, it seemed like we were destined to keep repeating in this endless cycle of always getting to know each other over and over again. We were destined to destroy and to be destroyed.

Pierce and Rumlow kept a close eye on me at all times to see whether I was gonna slip and tell Soldier anything that I wasn't supposed to. I would be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about telling him the night before but what good would that have really done. I mean I would have been dead and he would have lost his memories all over again. There was no point in telling him.

His eyes had gone cold after last night. And I swear, from time to time I could see him looking at me with the same murderous look he usually had on his missions. He wore the same look right now as we were making our way towards the helicarriers that held our targets.

The winged guy turned out to be someone called Sam Wilson and from now on he was also our mission. To be honest anyone that got in the way was gonna be one. It's not like we were a secret anymore anyway, so we weren't supposed to spare anyone, neither were we supposed to hide behind masks.

They were launching the helicarriers as we made our way to the roof to get on one of the planes there. I started eliminating the Shield agents that were there to help Rogers while Soldier shot down most of the planes, so there could be no unnecessary airforce while we were doing our job.

I noticed Soldier getting on one of the planes and I quickly shot the guy in front of me to run on it too. Soldier dropped me off inside so I could keep an eye on the targeting blades, while he made his own way up on the roof to shake off Wilson and Rogers.

Pretty sure that it wasn't even 10 minutes until Soldier reappeared by my side and Rogers was running towards both of us to get to the blades. He stopped not far from us, the look on his face showing too much emotion for his own good.

"People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen." he was directing most of his attention towards Soldier but I could see him stealing glances at me as well, "Please, don't make me do this." He sounded broken. He sounded like Soldier last night.

Then his expression hardened and he threw his shield towards us which Soldier blocked quickly. We both pulled out our guns and started firing at him. Soldier's bullet grazed Rogers' side and he slammed him away with his shield.

Rogers managed to enter the code for the target blades. I wasn't sure whether he forgot I was there or what but that gave me an amazing time to kick him in the back, making him tumble hard into the railing. After that he didn't waste time coming at me. We were going after each other as best as we could and somehow I managed to grab my knife out of my pocket and stab it in his shoulder, making him scream out. For it I got kicked in the stomach way harder than I expected, resulting on me falling over the railing down on some platform.

I landed on my back and hit my head, hard. I could see Soldier looking down for a second before turning his focus back on the fight. I think I might have passed out for a little because the next time my eyes opened they had just fallen down to the bottom of the helicarrier.

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