Chapter 9

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"You are so brave and quiet, I forget you are suffering." -Ernest Hemingway

I woke up to the sound of monitors peeping. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a bright light hovering above me from the ceiling. My body was aching. Especially my sides, they felt like they were on fire. I lifted my head up as much as possible to see what was causing the pain. I wasn't able to lift it enough though, the restraints were blocking my view. I had forgotten that I was laying on a metal table, but letting my head fall down at it once again clearly reminded me of that.

I let out a string of curse words for being so dumb, but that stopped as soon as I heard movement come from one side of the room. I shut myself up and waited for what was to come next. For my surprise and unexplainable amount of displeasure I saw the asset approaching me.

He stared at me for a moment before pulling the back of the table up into a sitting position. After that he quickly unfastened the restraints on my chest, stomach and hands. Though as soon as his metal arm made contact with the restrain on my stomach I couldn't help but let out a shaky breath, not only did it hurt, but it was then that I realised that they had torn my shirt open from the front. It didn't seem to disturb him the slightest, but quite frankly it disturbed me to be sitting here with my shirt torn apart.

He seemed to take notice of my stiff state after a while and he simply walked up to one table and threw something at me.I was relieved to find out that it was a shirt, so it wasn't a surprise that I tried to move as fast as possible to replace my old one with new.

Yet it was moving myself that turned out to be worse than I anticipated. I let out a shaky breath as soon as I started removing my old shirt, which made me turn my focus on my sides finally. Both of my sides were covered in bruises. Not including the bruise, that I had got on my first day here, on my stomach.

"What the hell?! I fell asleep and you guys beat me up?" I looked at the asset questioningly.

He didn't answer, what a surprise. Instead he came over and took the shirt from my hands and changed it for me. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. After he had finished, he walked to the back of the room, only to return with a tray which he seated on my lap, motioning me to eat.

I looked at him for a moment before turning my gaze on the tray on my lap. There was soup, bread and water there, not that I was expecting anything more really. And quite frankly it was better than nothing, since I was feeling really hungry. I dug in without a hesitation. I don't think I've ever eaten anything quicker than that.

"You didn't even hesitate before eating," I heard the old man's voice again, "what if it was poisoned?" he asked cheerily.

"That would be a dream, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't." I answered while looking straight into his eyes.

"I see you still haven't lost the sarcastic side of you." He said back, annoyance clear in his voice.

"What did you do to me while I was out?" I didn't let his annoyance faze me.

"Nothing major. We just injected you with some serums, nothing to worry about." I hated his smile, I wanted to punch him in the face, "Anyway, Winter Soldier, you got your task. Do it!"

The asset or the Winter Soldier or whoever he was quickly nodded and came over to me to take the tray away and to free my legs. As soon as he was finished with that he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me out of the room.

"Rest well, Adriana!" the man called out after me, making me roll my eyes.

The Winter Soldier moved fast, pretty much making me jog after him the whole way to some unknown room. We went inside and he closed the door behind him. I hadn't been here before. I walked around a little. It was spacious, there was a bed here, a table, closet, book shelf and another door. It looked like a regular bedroom, was it his bedroom? I turned around to find him already staring at me. For a couple of seconds neither of us made a move.

He finally broke our eye contact by searching for something from his pocket. He pulled out a phone and a piece of paper. I looked at him, trying to figure out what was going on. He broke my train of thoughts by taking a step towards me and handing me the phone and the paper slip. I looked at the paper slip and recognised my mothers number immediately. I kept staring at the number, more confused than ever.

"Call her," he spoke. My eyes immediately found his, it was the first time I had heard him speak.

"Why do you want me to call my mother?" I asked him, deep down hoping that he would speak again.

"Tell her to stop looking," I looked at him confused, which he seemed to gather rather quickly, "just tell her that you're not coming back, tell her to stop looking for you, it won't end well." His voice was deep and raspy. It sounded like he didn't speak very often.

I nodded and dialled her number. I took a deep breath before pressing the call button. Beep after beep. One, two, three. I kept counting the beeps, coming from the speaker, in my head. I was about to press the decline button when I heard her voice.



Okay, so I went to watch Civil War on the 28th and it was just crazy, like I loved it but at the same time ugh idk haha (You'll understand when you have seen it) :D Anyway I've seen it 3 times already and I still can't get over how good it is and how amazing everyone in the movie was, so yeah just felt the need to say how much I loved it and how I really think that everyone should go and see it! :) Also if you read this little author's note here then I hope you're liking the story so far and I hope you are having an amazing day! xxx

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