Chapter 3

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"We were programmed to fail. Ever since we first looked each other in the eyes. I knew this since the beginning, but that never stopped me from staring into those blue eyes and thinking 'maybe, just maybe'"

It was the first time I saw his face fully and also the first time that I paid more attention to him in general than only to his metal arm. He seemed to be somewhere in his 20's. His shoulder-length dark brown hair was shaping his pale face, it looked like he hadn't seen the sun in ages, which kind of made sense, since it was the winter time. He also seemed to have a few day old stubble going on. His face in general though looked sort of cold and distant, honestly this is the best I can do at describing his expression.

I was pulled out of my little daze by the man in front of me asking me something. "Uh, I didn't catch what you just said" I told him honestly, tearing my eyes away from the guy-with-a-metal-arm and focusing on the older man in front of me.

"Admiring our asset, I see?" The man laughed and I heard a few other laughs coming from the other people in the room who still hadn't showed themselves. Asset, as they called him, didn't laugh though, he just looked at me with the same expression as before.

"I wasn't ad-" I got cut off my the man shushing me though, "Admire all you want, but do that later, you'll have time for that. For right now, what I want you to tell me though is what is your name?"

"Adriana," I spit out, looking at the ground like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"Yes, good girl, see it wasn't that hard," he took a hold of my chin to make me look up at him once again, but I couldn't help but let out a little whimper, because of my throbbing chin, "So, Adriana, I want you to work for us." He said, but it sounded like more of a demand to be completely honest.

"And why on earth would I do that?" I asked him, trying to get him to loosen his grip on my chin, because it wasn't making the throbbing any better.

"Well, you actually don't have much say in it, but it would just make it easier for both you, and us, if you would cooperate."

"And what if I say no?" I kept pushing, I mean what do they even want me to do, I'm just a regular 17 year old, they could find these anywhere.

"Well you are making it just harder for yourself in that case, but we have our ways to make you do as we say," he told me with one of the most unsettling smirks I have ever seen in my life, "so what do you say, will you cooperate then?"

"Yeah well," I paused for a moment to see him step back with a smile on his face, "I don't think that's gonna happen." I watched his smile drop immediately.

"The hard way then," he said in a monotonous tone, "asset, take her to the room 355."

That asset of theirs was still staring at me, but didn't seem to make a move to come and take me away.

"So, are you going to untie me anytime this year or are you just gonna keep staring? I mean I do have to warn you, I'm pretty much the expert at staring contests." I couldn't stop myself from being sarcastic, even though I probably shouldn't be like that, especially while being in the situation that I currently was in.

It seemed to trigger something in him though because he finally decided to step closer to me, so he was now right in front of me. I kept looking at him, not allowing myself to break the eye contact.

There was something about his eyes. I had always loved how unique everyones eyes were and my grandma always used to say that "eyes are the mirror to a persons soul", but his shockingly blue eyes were something different. They were like nothing I've ever seen before. His eyes, well, they looked empty. So if what my grandma always told me was right, did that mean that he was empty inside?

He finally broke the eye contact to focus his gaze on the restrains that where holding my hands against the wall, he quickly undid them and then he crouched down in front of me and started opening the restrains that were binding my legs to the wall.

It was now or never I thought to myself. As soon as he stood back up, I kicked him straight to where it hurts with my knee and made a run for it. I guess I could've thought this through a bit better, because as I was running towards the door I noticed the other people in the room now blocking it, crap. I looked back and saw the asset come towards me with the angriest stare I had ever been given, double crap. I decided to try running through the two guards at the door, I mean it's not like I had anything else to lose anymore. As I expected they both grabbed me by my upper arms and lifted me up from the ground.

I started kicking and screaming "What kind of people are you!!? Let me go, let me go!!!"

Then I felt two hands, one flesh and one metal to be exact, wrap around my stomach and pull me against the owner of them. The guards let go of me immediately and straightened their postures. I tried kicking the asset, so he would let go of me, but it made him just tighten his grip and it made my stomach hurt more, because of the blow I had gotten to it earlier.

"Just take her away, now, winter soldier!" I heard the old man say before the guards stepped away from the door.

"Let me go!!" I kept screaming and trying to kick him still, which wasn't working really that well.

He then turned me around so I would face him and in a second I was already thrown over his shoulder. He started moving towards god knows where with me kicking him with my arms and legs as best as I could, "Let me go, let me go!" I kept screaming at him.

Suddenly he stopped, I heard a door open and then I found myself being thrown to the ground like a rag doll.

"Owww," I said as I looked back up at him, still standing next to the door and looking down at me. Then he closed the door.

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