Chapter 14

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"She made pain look beautiful. She found peace among the chaos. She wore a smile in situations where most would cry. She held the weight of the world on her shoulders and never complained. She's the one with the angel eyes ready to raise hell for those who take her lightly. She's the flower with thorns that have since made her untouchable. She's the queen with warrior in her blood." -R.H.Sin

"Focus!" I heard him shout next to me once again.

"I'm trying to," I huffed back.

We had been training since the morning and it was almost noon now. I was out of breath and I really wanted to catch a break. And him screaming next to my ear didn't make my training any easier.

It had been a week since I woke up remembering nothing. A week trying to get myself back to normal, getting myself back to my routine. I was trying, I swear I was, it was just so hard when my mind always wandered off to my lost memories. I knew I was meant to only concentrate on the punching bag in front of me, but I just couldn't.

"Oww! Why would you do that?" The winter soldier had just pushed the punching bag towards me, catching me completely off guard, resulting on me getting hit by it.

"Because you aren't focusing," he was fuming, "you should have been able to block that if you would have paid attention!"

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't remember how to fight!" I snapped back while holding the punching bag in place.

"It's not that you don't remember," he pinched the bridge of his nose, "You aren't even trying."

"I am trying!" I turned around to walk out of the room.

"And where do you think you're going?" I heard him shout after me, "We aren't finished here!"

"I am pretty damn finished!" I waved my hand above my head to him.

During the past week I also noticed how the winter soldier and I seemed to piss each other off during every one of our trainings. I mean everything else seemed fine, like when we were back at our room we never fought there. But training was on a whole different level, we always seemed to be at each other's throats.

He ran after me and grabbed me by my elbow, "We are not finished!" he said angrily, emphasising his every word.

I tried to wiggle my elbow out of his grasp but he just squeezed it tighter. His tight hold on my elbow was starting to hurt, but before I could say anything our training room door opened and in stepped Alexander Pierce himself followed by two guards.

"What is going on here?" he asked surprised when he noticed us, "did you guys get into a fight again?"

I felt the winter soldier's grip loosen and he finally let go of me. I started immediately rubbing my elbow while sending him a death glare.

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