Chapter 10

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"Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear." -Suzanne Collins

"Hello?" I heard her voice come from the speaker.

My hands started shaking as soon as I lifted the phone back up to my ear, "Mom?"

"Adriana? Oh my god, is that really you?" she started speaking frantically and shushing everyone who was around her.

"Mother, it's me." I felt my eyes well up with tears at the sound of her voice.

"Adriana, oh Adriana! Where are you? Are you alright? We're coming to get you." I could hear her trying to hold back her own tears.

"No mom, don't come," I looked up to see the asset staring at me intently, "mom listen, I-" but she cut me off, "we'll find you, everyone is so worried, please just tell us where you are w-"

The asset grabbed my arm with his metal one and quickly hissed, "Tell her what you're supposed to, now!" I just nodded.

"Mom, I can't come back. Please stop looking for me, I don't want any of you to get hurt. Please mom, stop looking, I'm not coming back." I managed to choke out the words.

My heart felt like it had just been ripped into pieces, I couldn't keep the tears in any longer. My mom was saying something, but the only thing I could focus on at that moment was her voice. I wanted to remember it, as I was probably never going to hear it again.

The asset was about to grab the phone away from me before I stopped him, "Please! Just let me tell her one more thing, please." I whispered looking up at him.

Someone seemed to be giving him instructions through his earpiece. He then nodded at me, catching me completely off guard.

I knew that I couldn't waste any time so I spoke quickly, "Mom, are you still there?"

"Yes yes, I'm here. Adriana, what are you talking about? Of course you're coming home!"

"Mom, listen to me. I don't have much time!" I stopped her rambling, "I can't come home, not anymore. I need you to stop looking, please!" I spoke as quickly as I could seeing as the asset was growing impatient, "I love you, mom! I need you to know that, I love you and I love our family okay. I love you all so much, please just always remember that, please tell everyone that I do. And please tell Cindy and Abby everything as well. I care about you all so much, that's why I'm doing what I'm doing, I need you to stop looking please. I am not coming back!" I sobbed like a baby at the end of my little speech.

"Please promise me that you'll stop and that you'll tell everyone what I asked you to." I whispered that part, I didn't trust my voice enough to speak anymore.

"Adriana, please stop that," I heard my mom crying, which made everything even worse, "I will tell them, but we'll never stop looking f-"

The phone call got cut off by the asset finally grabbing it away from me. He took it and smashed it at the ground.

I just looked at the smashed phone on the ground and kept trying to remember the sound of her voice. My legs felt numb. Actually my whole body felt numb. Everything around me seemed to lose it's meaning. The whole world seemed to turn dull from that moment on. I don't even know when I had sat down on the bed and there seemed to be no stop to the uncontrollable tears that kept flowing down my face.

After a couple of minutes of just sitting there and looking at the ground, I heard him speak again "You need to rest."

I finally managed to tear my eyes away from the ground to look up at him, "are you kidding me right now?"

He looked at me with the same confused expression that I had given to him just less than an hour ago, "You just made me call my mother and tell her I'm never going back home, and now you're asking me to rest. Let me ask you that," I stood up and took a step towards him, "would you be able to rest, after hearing the person you care about for the last time in your life?"

"Well, it's good that I don't care about anyone then right?" he took a step towards me as well. The space between us became almost non-existent.

I hated how he towered over me. It made me feel so small and vulnerable under his gaze and I hated feeling that way. I hated how sure he was about everything, how he didn't care. Because I seemed to be the polar opposite to that as of right now, since my face was still covered with tears.

"Rest now. You will need your strength for tomorrow," he lowered his voice and took a step away from me.

"What's happening tomorrow?" I asked, not really expecting the answer.

I wasn't surprised by the silence that followed after that. I knew he wouldn't answer my question. I was astounded already by the fact that he even knew how to talk, since I never heard him speak before the past hour.

After just standing there for another two minutes, waiting for the answer that never came, I finally decided to do as I was told.

I laid down on the bed, curled up into a ball and hugged myself tight. I don't know why I did that, but it always used to make me feel better whenever I felt down back home. It was always my safe haven. Or maybe, just maybe, I did it to try to save myself from falling apart completely.

'We'll never stop looking' those were the words that kept giving me hope, but at the same time those were also the words that scared me to death.

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