Chapter 15

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Every 2 am is silent and quiet, but in my head is a battle and noise and all I could hear is my mind replaying your words and screaming your name. -c.m.s

I screamed out in agony. It hurt to breath in. I was against the wall, holding onto my stomach. My hands kept shaking. It hurt to move myself.

"Get her out of here!" I heard Alexander shout.

Two guards came and tried to pull me up. I screamed as soon as they had began to move me. I couldn't move, it hurt so much.

After another four or five minutes of trying to heave me up from the ground, they finally managed it. Both of them kept supporting me as best as they could and I was trying my hardest to breath in and out. My stomach hurt so much, that it completely drowned out every other ounce of pain that was in the rest of my body.

The whole procedure that the doctor performed on me was extremely painful. He injected me with some stuff and patched me up as well as he could. It turned out that I had three broken ribs and some other minor injuries here and there. I wasn't really paying much attention to what he was saying, there was just too much pain.

As soon as he was finished with me, I was ordered to go and get some rest. I knew that I was meant to obey the orders and quite frankly being able to rest sounded like heaven at the moment.

Winter Soldier stood up from the bed as soon as I opened the door. I saw him come towards me, but I waved my hand to let him know that I don't need help. I closed the door behind me and climbed into the bed. Trying to find a good enough position to sleep in was really hard. I kept trying to hold back the cries, by biting my lip harshly. Finally, I decided that the only position that was going to work was sleeping on my back, so I just closed my eyes and embraced the quietness of the room.

Well, quietness if I didn't count his steady breathing. I heard him sit down on the chair in our room after a while, I didn't bother to open my eyes though.

"Minor injuries here and there, and three broken ribs." I finally broke the silence and quite certainly answered the question that kept replaying itself in his head.

He didn't say anything in response, which I took as an opportunity to fall asleep. It didn't take long before the sleep swept me away.

"You're such a dork," I tried to laugh as quietly as I could at the girl in front of me.

"Come on, you know you want to!" both girls whispered at the same time, smiling brightly.

"I'm gonna get caught and they will kill me." I shook my head while chuckling lightly.

"That's when you get caught."

They were unbelievable, making me do something like that. I was so gonna get caught and my parents were going to put me on house arrest for the rest of my life. Though I knew there was a huge part in me that wanted to do it.

"Come on now," one girl whispered while still laughing quietly.

"Shhhh.." I tried to shush them, while heaving myself out of my window. I closed the window as quietly as I could and walked at the end of my roof.

"I can't believe you went into all of this trouble to get me out." I said, looking at the ladder and waiting for my return to climb it.

I heard them laugh quietly as I quickly climbed down. We put the ladder back next to the house wall and made our way to the car. We were all laughing as we drove off.

"They are going to murder me." I laughed while looking at both of the girls.

"They won't find out." the girl with brown hair said back.

I nodded and looked out of the window. It was so peaceful outside. I looked at the time and it read 3:27 am, I still couldn't believe that we had done it. The stars were out and we had the whole road in front of us.

"Hey, could you hand me that water bottle from the back please?" the girl behind the wheel asked me after we had been driving for a while.

"Sure thing," I started humming along to the tunes playing from the radio while looking for the bottle of water that we always had in the car.

"It's somewhere on the ground, I think." she looked back for a second, just as I found it.

"Foun-," my eyes widened, "Cindy, look out!!" I and the other girl screamed.

She hit the breaks immediately and we all looked out of the window. The headlights could clearly make out a man, dressed in all black standing in front of the car. He looked towards the car, his face was covered by a mask. He stood there for another moment before charging towards us, and just like that he vanished into the thin air.

I shot up quickly. It looked like I had just been working out, I was covered in sweat and trying to control my rapid breathing. My whole body was shaking and my ribs were hurting from the sudden movement.

"Darkness, you okay?" Winter Soldier looked at me with confusion.

"Who- who is Cindy?"

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