Chapter 6

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"I didn't want to wake up. I was having much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare and you're so relived. I woke up into a nightmare."

I don't remember falling asleep. Frankly, I didn't think I would be able to thanks to my coughing, but surprisingly that seemed to have stopped. There was a lot of dried blood next to me though.

I stood up and looked around, wondering why all that blood hadn't killed me. I was so certain that that had to be it. That this time I was definitely a goner. But yet again, I seemed to have survived another thing, I had wished would take my life away.

I had only been up for a minute or two when my door opened and two guards came in to take me away once again. They held onto my arms tightly, to the point it hurt. They dragged me to yet another room. I got pulled in there and then shoved into a chair. My hands and legs were quickly strapped inside the tight restraints.

As soon as they stepped away from me, I started pulling on the restraints, which was clearly no use and my weak body wasn't helping me much either.

"Adriana, so good to have you up and ready again," the voice came back, "how are you feeling today?" were they for real?

"Brilliant," I snapped back.

"That's good to hear," the voice said with the most annoying cheery voice ever, "well have you considered our offer?"

"Yeah, I have," I answered back.

"Well, have you decided to willingly join us then?" as if.

"Actually I have decided to tell you guys to suck it!" I shouted back, pulling on the restraints like a wild animal, which didn't seem to give in anytime soon.

"That's not very nice, Adriana," the voice said with a fake pity.

"If you hadn't figured it out by now, then I am not very nice!" I shot back.

"We have, and that's exactly why we think you're perfect for the job," the voice paused for a moment before continuing, "however as you already know the rules, we'll just leave you at that."

The guards left the room fast after the last part and I was left alone in the room. I honestly had no idea what to expect from this room now.

This room was white like the cold room I had been in before, so for a moment I thought that it's another cold room, except this time I'll be tied to a chair. But when suddenly the whole room turned various colours, I knew that this wasn't the case. The floor, the ceiling, the walls, everything turned into pictures. And then all of a sudden they started moving and I realised that they weren't just pictures, they were more like videos or movies to be exact. The sounds from them echoed throughout the whole room, the screams, the gunshots, people dying, marching, everything. I kept hearing all of it and there was no escape, I looked at the wall in front of me. People being tortured, others dying, some others cheering in victory, all the blood, lifeless bodies laying on the ground.

That wasn't right, I didn't want to see stuff like that. I closed my eyes tightly to block out the sight in front of me, but I couldn't block out the sound, I kept hearing people scream and beg for their lives, I kept hearing every gunshot. I heard bodies fall one by one. I heard some chanting, I couldn't make out what it was, but it was there.

"Please, please, please, we haven't done anything wrong, please," I heard someone beg for their lives, I tore my eyes open to look at the screen, there was a woman on her knees, three children in tears next to her, and then there were four lifeless bodies where they had just been.

"Nooo!" I screamed. I had no idea who they were, but they were innocent. How could someone kill a child, how could someone kill at all. I felt my eyes tearing up.

Hail Hydra, Hail Hydra, Hail Hydra. The chanting, I could finally make out what they said, they were shouting Hail Hydra, whatever that was.

I kept seeing people die and beg and I wanted to stop it. I closed my eyes once again. I wanted to reach for my ears and shut the voices out as well, but the restraints wouldn't budge. I pulled against my restraints again, but the only thing I got from that were bloody wrists and ankles.

I wanted to block out the sound so I started yelling at the top of my lungs. I wanted it to stop, I couldn't keep up with seeing innocent people die, innocent people being tortured. I wanted to make everything stop.

I had sat there like that for the past three hours now. My throat was too dry to keep on screaming. My only remedy for all that seemed to be pulling on the restraints. My wrists and ankles were tripping with blood, my restrains were covered with it. Deep inside I knew they won't break, but it was the only thing I could do. Something in me hoped that by doing this it would make me lose enough blood to pass out, to escape all the screaming and death.

I was starting to feel dizzy and my whole body was exhausted. Finally I drifted off to sleep. Finally asleep I realised that even sleep couldn't bring me any solace in this hellhole, even in my sleep I couldn't escape the torture that kept replaying itself in my head.

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