Chapter 26

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"I don't pay attention to the world ending. It has ended for me many times and began again in the morning."

There were days that went by without any incident. Then again there were days that made me want to scream at the top of my lungs and tear my hair out. Soldier seemed to be sleeping better lately, I on the other hand was absolutely terrified to close my eyes after the last time I accidentally had.

I wasn't planning on falling asleep but I guess after going days without closing your eyes, at some point it just becomes impossible to keep them open. I don't know how long I slept before the nightmares started, or maybe they were memories, I wasn't really sure.

"You can't pretend they don't exist!" I screamed and pushed yet another locker to the ground.

I was going out of my mind while Pierce and Rumlow just laughed at my breakdown. The other guards in the room were just looking at what was happening with shocked expressions covering their faces. No one knew what to do about me, even I didn't know what to do about myself.

"I remember them! You lied to me!" another locker fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"Darkness?" Soldier ran into the room and looked around at the havoc I had caused, "What the hell?"

"You knew too!" I shouted and took in his confused expression, "Where are they?"

I grabbed a hold of another locker, threatening to push it over as well. I was shaking at this point. I didn't know what to think nor what to believe. If they lied to me about that, then what else have they lied about.

I looked around the room at all the faces staring at me. Everyone looked to be in shock, except Rumlow and Pierce, who were still wearing these stupid smiles on their faces.

"Who am I?" I spoke as the locker I was holding crashed loudly.

"You are Miss Darkness, one of the toughest female assassins in the world's history." Pierce spoke with his usual chirpy tone, "You are also Hydra's weapon."

"No, no no." I kept repeating it to myself.

"You have been credited with a good amount of kills by now. You are very deadly." Rumlow spoke and I could hear the joy he got from it.

"No!" I screamed, "No. I. Am. Not." I pushed down lockers with every word I spoke.

"Darkness stop!" Soldier shouted and I did, "What is this about?"

I turned towards him and scoffed, as if he hadn't been in on all that. How could he do this to me? I thought we were best friends. God, how stupid could I have been.

After a little mental debate, I noticed Soldier still looking at me and expecting an answer. "Where is my family?" I asked him with nothing but hatred in my tone.

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