Chapter 12: Under Cover of Darkness

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We were in. The streets on this side of the city were deserted, and frightened townspeople had locked their doors, hiding within in terror. Though I pitied them, part of me was relieved. It would make the mission far easier if there were less watchful eyes about.

We all met Hadar on the wall where he was waiting for us, and from there we planned our next move. Most of the commotion was taking place far from us, a as most of the guards had already been sent to fight on the front lines.

"We have a lot of ground to cover between here and the front gate," I said as I surveyed the city. We were on the exact opposite side, leaving a small army between us and there. "It'll take at least an hour to traverse the whole wall and reach the gate."

"We could try and sneak through the city, cut the distance in half," Brand suggested timidly, adjusting his oversized helmet.

"Too risky." I shook my head. "There'll be patrols in the streets."

"No wait, the Westron has a point," Hadar interjected. I noticed that Fox was remaining silent. "Most of the soldiers are already on the far wall, and the townspeople are too afraid to venture outside. It may be even safer than the wall, since they've no doubt posted at least a few guards along the walls to keep watch."

I pondered his words for a moment. He made a convincing argument. At worst, it would be as dangerous. If not, it'd be significantly safer, and at the same time it would get us there quicker.

"Very well. But we have to be careful. If so much as one person sees us we'll be as good as dead." I didn't relish the thought of failing our mission, let alone being killed before the actual battle was even fought. "Follow me."

I leapt down from the wall and we made our way carefully down the main thoroughfare, turning into the first back alley that we saw. None of us made a sound as we stealthily wound through the dark alleys and back streets.

Suddenly I held a hand up and we all stopped. I could've sworn that I heard footsteps...

We had stopped just in time. Two heavily armed Gondorian soldiers ran past, armor clanking loudly. I put a hand on the hilt of my sword and glanced at Hadar, who shook his head. No point in trying to kill them; it would be too risky.

After they disappeared down another street we continued. The sound of the catapults filled the air, and the stingingly sweet smell of smoke entered my nostrils. I grinned morbidly at the thought of possibly being killed by friendly catapult fire. Wouldn't that be an ironic way to die? I mused.

I pushed the thought away and focused back on the task at hand. We were now nearly halfway to the gate. But what we had already passed through had been the easier half; what was to come would be far more difficult.

Each step we took that brought us closer to the gate also brought us closer to the bulk of the enemy army, and consequentially closer to possibly being seen. Perhaps if we split up we'd have a better chance.

"Hadar, you and Brand should create a distraction so the path to the gate is clear. Fox and I will use that to get there and open it. Don't put yourselves in any more danger than you have to," I whispered, glancing furtively up and down the alley.

Hadar narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure that's wise? Splitting up makes us weaker."

"But it also makes us a smaller profile," I countered. "Besides, that way even if Fox and I fail you two will have a chance."

Brand nodded in agreement. "I'd have to agree with Rukil on this one. We need whatever advantage we can get."

I realized that Fox hadn't given his opinion on the matter. I looked intently at him. "What do you think?"

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