Chapter 26: In Powerful Company

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"Care for some tea? Or perhaps cheese?" Pallando asked as he scurried about the room, already preparing the tea.

"Just tea, thank you," I said, turning just in time to hit my head on a low hanging decoration. I put a hand to my head in silent pain, before observing the decoration more closely. It appeared to be made of the bones of some creature... An altogether unnerving adornment for an already strange room.

"I see you find the totem intriguing," Alatar said as he observed me. "It may interest you to know that it was made by the creature that attacked you on the road."

"What was that beast, while we're on that topic?" Nadow asked as he shifted in his chair.

"It was a Taurfaer."

"A what?" Nadow and I both said at once.

"A guardian of the forest. They are all but extinct from this world, we were fortunate to have found this one here," Pallando said excitedly.

"Impossible..." Caledorn said in a hushed voice. "There hasn't been word of a Forest Spirit for hundreds of years. Certainly not in this forsaken corner of the-" he stopped mid-sentence and looked at the two wizards. "In this untraveled part of the world," he finished.

"The fact that this is a "forsaken corner of the world" as you so aptly put it is precisely why the Forest Spirit is still here. There haven't been men or orcs or greedy dwarves to drive him out. Though now Pallando and I have brought men here, and it is only a matter of time before orcs find our sanctuary here." Alatar shook his head.

"Which begs the question: what are you two doing here? The East is in chaos, and you two sit in the jungle doing nothing." Caledorn's tone of voice was accusatory, and I was surprised that he spoke in such a way to two powerful wizards.

"It isn't that simple Caledorn..." Alatar began. "You see, we tried to carry out our mission, but the East... By the time we arrived, it was already too late. The Easterlings worship Morgoth and Sauron, and make sport of the deaths of other men in the arenas. Not to mention the Order of the Moon caught scent of us and sent who knows how many assassins after us. And we fared little better in Harad. The Haradrim attacked us on sight, thinking us spies of Gondor. We stayed for a time in Khand, believing they weren't too far gone... But they too have fallen under Mordor's shadow. So we decided to bide our time... To wait for the opportune moment. Long have we watched the stars, read the signs... We've watched the world changing around us, most of the changes for worse. But the signs told us of one who would liberate the East. We believe that Rukil is this one, and that now is our time to complete our task here."

"So... You'll aid me?" I asked, almost disbelieving. Such a stroke of luck seemed unlikely at best, but perhaps it was the case.

"Yes. In whatever way we can. We've managed to assemble an army of our own... Outcasts, criminals, raiders. But they all wish to make amends for the sins of their old lives."

"So all those warriors are yours?" Nadow asked.

"Indeed they are! They call themselves the Bleak Riders."

"Why do they name themselves after a fairy tale?"

Alatar laughed. "They don't. The fairy tale arose as a result of them. The name itself however... They were first a regiment of Khand warriors called the Bleak Riders, who deserted and fled into the jungle when Khand swore allegiance to Sauron. Pallando and I met them and together we added to their ranks, until they became what they are now."

"Interesting... So now they're from all over the world?" I asked.

"Yes. We have recruits from Rhun, Gondor, Rohan, and just about every other kingdom you can imagine... as well as some you have not even heard of! And they're yours now. Well, not entirely. They'll still be under Preliator Ryuna's command. He hails from a land far to the east of Khand, on the Endless Plain. He shall be under your command."

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