Sands of Rhun: Epilogue

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"Shall we leave the torches lit, your Highness?" An aide asked.

"No need," Khan Morthar said dismissively, waving the aide away.

"As you wish, sire. Sleep well." The aide left the Khan's bedchamber, extinguishing the torches as he went. The Khan sighed in relief. Finally, he had some time to himself...

He went to his bed and collapsed onto it, ready to sleep after a long day at court. As he drifted off to sleep, his last thought was how he'd like to have more time alone.

But even now, he wasn't alone. For a dark figure clung to the ceiling of the bedchamber, unnoticed and practically invisible in the dark shadows of the room.

The figure slowly crept down the wall, like a great dark spider descending from its web. It melted into the shadows on the floor, moving soundlessly toward the Khan's bed. Once it reached the foot of the bed it rose, and took on the shape of a cloaked man or woman. The Khan shifted slightly in his sleep, causing the figure to shrink back into the shadows. Once it saw that he hadn't awoken, it moved to the side of the bed. Moonlight from the window cast its light upon the figure, and it glinted upon the keen blade of a dagger.

With one swift move the assassin clamped a gloved hand on the Khan's mouth, and at the same time moved the dagger to his neck. Morthar awoke and his eyes widened in fear as he realized what was happening. He began to struggle, but his movements abruptly ceased when the assassin made a clean slice with the dagger across the Khan's neck. The assassin watched until it was clear that he was dead, then quickly severed Morthar's head. The figure produced a sack and stuffed the head into it. It then swiftly moved toward the window, climbing out of it and melting into the shadows outside...


Barad-Dur, Mordor; One day later

The Mouth of Sauron sat atop his horse, his arm in a sling and his mouth turned downward in a grimace. He still hadn't recovered from his fight with the elf Caledorn, and he was angry that the elf had escaped. But he knew he must put all thoughts of that aside, for he was meeting with a very important Easterling...

Soon he saw several horsemen approaching, and he recognized the distinctive armor of Easterling warriors, as well as two dark cloaked figures.

"Hail, my friends," The Mouth said as they neared him. Two of the soldiers continued forward while the rest of the figures stayed back.

"Hail, emissary of Sauron!" One of the soldiers exclaimed in a thick Rhunic accent. "Our leader wishes for you to know that the Khan has been dealt with."

At this the soldier who had remained silent produced a bloodstained sack, and handed it to the Mouth. He looked inside to see the head of Khan Morthar himself.

"Good. Is your leader in place to assume the throne?"

"Indeed he is. But what if the people resist?"

"Then they can deal with him," The Mouth turned and pointed an armored finger towards a dark being that slowly rode forward. He had no visible face, and wore a dark metal crown. The two soldiers visibly paled.

"M-my lor-lord Khamul... It is an honor." Both soldiers bowed and showed their respects, though both were shaking uncontrollably.

"Who would resist my blade?" Khamul hissed, drawing his sword.

"There is one person... A Prince, my lord, newly appointed by the late Khan."

The wraith let out a sound between a hiss and a growl, and his voice lowered menacingly. "I will crush him..."

The more vocal of the two soldiers gulped, and looked back towards the rest of his group. "There's someone who wanted to meet you," he said nervously.

At this the two cloaked riders approached. The smaller of the two lowered their hood to reveal a dark haired woman with a jagged scar across her face, and the Mouth seemed to recognize her immediately. The other remained hooded and masked, but the area around his eyes was cut and bruised badly, as if from a recent struggle.

When he saw them Khamul let out a hissing laugh and faced the man. "Ah... So it seems as if you didn't die then after all... Khanar."

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