Chapter 25: The Two Travelers

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    I awoke with a start, and as soon as I did I groaned in pain. I was on the back of a horse, that much was clear... But where was I? What had happened? The last thing I remembered was that... Monster, and a flash of light...

I opened my eyes and looked around. It was night, but the moon cast an eerie light on the ground below. I was in a meadow, and flowers grew there that seemed almost to have been planted in rows. In the midst of them stood a man, hooded and cloaked. He was specter-like in appearance, and he seemed to be searching the meadow for something. At my groan, he turned, and I saw that he was but an old man, bearded and bespectacled.

"You're finally awake, I see," he said with a smile as he picked his way through the flowers toward me. "If you're able, I need help searching for a particular flower. I seem to have completely forgotten where it grows." He scratched his hooded head thoughtfully as he glanced around.

"I am unsure that I would be of much help," I said as I clenched my teeth. "I'm injured rather badly. Now may not be the best time to pick flowers."

The man let out a warm laugh. "Oh, but it is! Now is the perfect time!" With that he shuffled away, looking to and fro among the flowers.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and rolled off the horse, trying to land on my feet but stumbling and landing flat on my rear.

"Stay put if you can't walk! I'll find the flowers, then all will be well." The man's voice was faint, and I realized that he was no longer anywhere in the meadow. I closed my eyes and stayed seated, taking in the scent of the nearby flowers. I absentmindedly picked a handful, rubbing them between my fingers and smelling them. They smelled unfamiliar, like the meeting of the freshness of spring and the oldness of a dark, timeless cave. Flowers such as these didn't grow in Rhun.

A moment later, I heard the soft tread of footsteps coming closer. I opened my eyes to see the strange old man approaching, wringing his hands nervously.

"It seems that the flowers are missing, I can't find them any - Wait a moment, those flowers you're holding! Give them to me!"

I raised an eyebrow and handed them to him. "Are these what you were looking for? They were right under your nose the whole time," I said wryly.

"Yes yes, I see that now!" He said excitedly. He produced a small mortar and pestle from a pocket in his cloak and put several of the petals into it, adding a strange powder and crushing it all into a pulp.

"Here, apply this to your wounds." He gave me the bowl and I eyed it suspiciously.

"Go on! It's not going to kill you! If I wanted to do that I'd have done it when you were asleep. Though, gracious me, I'd not have done it even then!" His voice, along with his warm smile, were enough to assuage my fears for the moment. I quickly daubed the mixture onto my wounds, which were numerous, and nodded in thanks. The pain dissipated almost immediately, and I felt somehow invigorated.

   "Better?" The man asked with an inquisitive expression on his face.

   "Much," I replied.

   "So... What brings you to this forsaken corner of the world?"

   I thought for a moment before answering. "That is best left for discussing in a safer environment," I finally said, looking around at the misty jungle around us.

   The blue cloaked stranger rubbed his hands together. "Very well, then let's be off!"

We arrived at the man's strange abode about an hour later. It was a tall tower sitting atop a hill, masked in an ill-looking green mist. It practically screamed sorcerer's home, which did nothing to ease my suspicions about my temporary companion.

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