Chapter 38: Until Next We Meet

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The East-West Road, two days after the coronation

   The sun was setting in the West as Caledorn and I made our way down the dusty path, it's vibrant rays shining down upon us. After the coronation at Morgothrone, the elf had returned with me to my tribe, taking part in the coronation feast and afterwards in the funeral for Nadow and the rest of the fallen. I invited him to stay longer, but he politely declined. He told me that he had urgent business in the West that could be delayed no longer. He had, however, accepted when I offered to accompany him along the road for a distance.

   We had now traveled the furthest I was able to go without supplies. Pulling in the reigns, I signaled my horse to stop, and Caledorn and I sat in companionable silence for a moment. We had been through much together, and were the most unlikely of allies. But through it all, we had grown closer than I thought possible.

   "This is the end of the line," I said quietly. I pulled the scarf from my face and turned to face the elf. He met my gaze and nodded.

   "Indeed it is, for now. When first I met you, you were but a boy, naïve and not yet ready to lead. But now, you are a man. And I could not think of a better man to lead your tribe. I know that when I leave you will keep order in the East."

"That's quite a lot of responsibility," I protested

"Would you like to be remembered as a hero? A great champion of men who fought to the last, eclipsed by death only when his hand grew too tired to stay his foes? Or would falling into the deep dark of obscurity suit you better?" He raised a challenging eyebrow.

I was silent for a moment, his words weighing heavy upon me. "I'll do my best, you have my word," I said finally.

   "Your word is more than enough for me, my friend." The elf smiled, grasping my forearm. I responded in kind, as was a traditional farewell among the Elves.

    "Will you return?" I asked. I doubted that he would, but I hoped deep down in my heart that he would.

   "Yes. When the West's need is most dire, then will I return to the East. You must be ready for that day, my brother, for it comes soon. Evil's reach is stretching further and further, and though we have repelled it here for now, I fear that it is not so in the West."

   "We will stand ready. I will prepare for the day that you return." I watched as he rode ahead a short distance, turning to face me once more.

   "Until that day comes, Novaer, Mellon nin. Be ready." He spurred his horse onward and galloped away. I watched until he disappeared over the horizon, a cloud of dust the only sign of his passing.

   "Farewell... We will be ready," I whispered. And as the sun set upon the sands of Rhun, I knew in my heart that we would have to be.

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