Chapter 15: The Voice in the Forest

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   I fell to the ground with a thud, the breath knocked out of me. My attacker had pinned me down and was pushing my face into the dirt, making it difficult to breathe, let alone move. But this wasn't my first time in a tough spot, so my instincts almost immediately took over. I used my feet to propel my legs upward, flipping over and rolling on top of my attacker. I quickly drew a dagger and put it to his neck.

  To my shock, I recognized his eyes. They were bright green, and were narrowed in annoyance.

    "What in Morgoth's name are you doing following me Fox? And why did you attack me?" I growled as I released him. He grunted and sat up. He was dressed in black now, his armor unfamiliar to me.

   "First off, I did not attack you. I merely tackled you. Second, you should probably know that my real name isn't Fox."

   I rolled my eyes. "Of course it isn't. Did you tell me anything true about yourself?"

   "No, I didn't. I didn't know if I could trust you," he said. He pulled his mask down, revealing a handsome face accentuated by a long scar that ran down the left side of it. But that wasn't his most striking feature.

   "You're... You're an elf!" I said in shock, observing his pointed ears.

   "That I am. Caledorn, defender of Middle Earth, at your service," he said, bowing his head slightly.

   I stared at him in shock. This was the last thing I had expected from him.

   "Uh... Yes well, pleased to meet you I suppose. Why were you in Rhun if you're an elf?" I still couldn't believe it.

   "As a guardian of these lands, my job is to prepare for the war that is to come. And when I heard about you I knew that you would be an influential person, for one side or the other. I wanted to make sure you didn't side with Sauron."

   I stood up and began to walk away. "Well you succeeded. I'm not siding with anyone. Curse this whole thing," I growled as I strode into the forest. I heard Caledorn stand up and begin to walk behind me.
   "Listen, I know you are confused. Much has happened to you of late, and you don't know who's right and who's wrong."
   I spun around to face him. "I do know. Everyone just wants to use me. They want to use me for their pathetic power struggles, and you want to use me for yours. Everyone is the same."
   The elf looked at me, his face expressionless. "You know that isn't true. You have a purpose beyond running from the past. You are a prince, not a common deserter. You need to accept that."
   I narrowed my eyes, annoyed at his persistence. "You're wasting your breath. I'm going as far away from Rhun as I can, and no-one will stop me. Not even you." With that I turned back around and left Caledorn behind, hoping that he wouldn't follow me.
   To my surprise he didn't, and I was alone once again. The forest seemed suddenly silent, as though it had heard our argument and was contemplating it. I thought about our conversation, and dismissed what he said as lies. Deep down, however, I knew he spoke the truth...
   I continued on all day, leaving the forest and traveling across hilly plains along the river. It was getting colder the further north I went, and I welcomed the change. These lands were more alike to the steppes that I originally called home, not like the hot deserts of the rest of Rhun. By my reckoning I was now far to the northwest of Cair Sirion, and the mountains seemed to loom closer than ever before.
   After a while I could see another forest ahead, though this one looked much different. The trees appeared taller and lighter colored, and their leaves had not yet fallen. As I got nearer I could see that the leaves were a rich golden hue, and their branches were smooth and grey. The leaves rustled like the crinkling of paper, but other than that the wood was silent.
   As I entered I felt a strange aura around me. Though I had never felt such a feeling before I could say with certainty that the forest was enchanted. It felt as though I was being watched as well, and that was an altogether uncomfortable feeling. What creature would lurk in such a place? The cynical part of me guessed that since the forest was so beautiful, it was hiding something altogether evil.
   Suddenly I stopped walking and stood stock still. I swore I had heard a voice.
   The voice spoke again, this time audibly, though I couldn't determine where it was coming from.
   "None pass through Lothlorien unnoticed. Tell me, Rukil of the Dorgeshi, what brings you here?"
   The voice was female, although strangely deep. It had a strange melody to it, as though the owner of the voice was singing rather than speaking.
   "I-I merely wished to pass through," I said, looking around at my surroundings. I could see no-one.
   "Did I give you leave to pass through?" The voice held a teasing tone now, which put me slightly at ease. I also realized at that moment that the voice was coming from inside my head...
   "Well I haven't exactly spoken to you until now..." I glanced around again, to no avail. "Where are you? And how are you speaking to me?"
"I am here, in this very forest. I am able to enter your thoughts."
"Will you let me pass through?" I felt strangely uncomfortable at the thought of this mysterious woman being able to enter my mind, to be able to read my every thought.
"Perhaps... But you must first speak with me in person. And yes, I can read your thoughts. But do not fear. Your mind is pure, purer than most of your kind." Her words did little to reassure me.
"Wait, first tell me who you are."
"I am the Lady of the Wood, though many refer to me as Galadriel." Even her name sounded mysterious... Whatever I had gotten into, it hardly seemed good. But did I have any choice?
As if in answer the Lady spoke. "You must come or you will not leave this forest alive." She said it as a fact; there was no threat in her voice.
I sighed in resignation. "Where will I find you?"
"Follow the river; from there two of my Marchwardens will lead you to me. It is a necessary precaution, for you are being followed. And not just by Caledorn. There is another who seeks to take your life. But within these borders you will be safe."
Suddenly I felt alone again, as though the Lady was no longer inside my head. I felt relieved, though at the same time I felt a strange longing to speak with her again.
Perhaps I would learn more about this mysterious Lady when I met her. And of course Caledorn had continued to follow me. He seemed to be trouble.
   I started off again, this time at a slower pace since I knew I was safe... Or so this Galadriel had said anyway. I took a leap of faith and decided to trust her.
The river became less wide and wound lazily through the forest, making little noise. I followed it as the Lady had said, making my way steadily westward and deeper into the golden forest.
I stopped at a slight dip in the land, taking the time to refill my waterskin. The water was incredibly clear, and I could see my reflection as I bent down to retrieve the water... But I also saw someone else's.
I spun around, drawing my dagger and leaping upon the intruder. I put my knife to the neck of the stranger, noting that he was a muscularly built elf with long blond hair. His eyes were wide with fear, and it was clear that he hadn't expected such a quick response on my part.
However a second later I felt cold steel against my neck, and I heard a commanding voice from behind me.
"Daro, pe-channas!"
I dropped the dagger and raised my hands. "I don't know what you just said, but it didn't sound friendly."
The elf I had tackled rose to his feet, brushing the dirt from his green tunic.
"My brother doesn't speak in the Common Tongue. But he called you an idiot." He extended a hand to help me up. "I am called Haldir, and I believe we are your escorts. I didn't expect such a... Vicious response, I must admit." He laughed slightly.
This Haldir seemed like a likable fellow, but I looked at the other elf with distrust. "Nice elf, your brother."
"His name is Rumil. He is quite nice, once you get to know him." At this Rumil smiled and bowed.
"Mae l'ovannen."
"A pleasure to meet you," I said stiffly, returning the bow. Haldir smiled.
"Since introductions have been made, we should hasten to our destination. The assassin was closing on you, though I don't doubt Caledorn slowed him down."
"How does everyone know who Caledorn is?" I asked, slightly bewildered.
Haldir shrugged. "I wasn't aware that everyone did. He works under many different names in many different places. I've known him since he first started his wandering."
"He went by Fox in Rhun," I said.
"That is one I haven't heard," he replied. "He hasn't gone to Rhun often from what I'm aware. Although to be fair I know little of his life, aside from what he did in his younger days."
"I only just met him a short time ago," I said quietly. Whatever his business in Rhun had been, I determined that it most likely wasn't because of me.
"Well, I have no doubt he saw something special in you. It is because of him that the Lady of the Wood requested your presence, let alone let you live. Otherwise we would have killed you as soon as you had entered the Wood." At this Haldir tilted his head to look at me. "I've never actually met one of your people up close before. You're not at all what I expected."
"Nor are you what I expected," I countered with a smile. "We see elves as evil phantoms of the forest, that kill anything that passes within bowshot."
Haldir laughed merrily. "Well you wouldn't be entirely wrong there, though we usually just end the miserable lives of orcs and the occasional spider. Isn't that right Rumil?"
The other elf raised an eyebrow and shrugged. I couldn't tell whether he hadn't understood Haldir or had just not been listening.
"How far to our destination?" I asked, deciding to change the subject.
"Not far at all," Haldir said. "You did most of the walking already."
"Where exactly are we going?"
"You will see when we arrive." He said little more after that, and we quickened our pace.
Still, the journey was longer than I had expected, and it was nearly dark by the time we arrived. We climbed to the top of a tall hill, and the sight I was greeted with blew me away.
Haldir walked to my side. "There is our destination. Caras Galadhon, realm of the Lady of Light."

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