Chapter 37: Honor in Victory

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The battle was over. Tariq had arrived with his army, and the surviving enemies had quickly surrendered after learning of the death of Khanar. They were now lined up, throwing their weapons into a pile and being split into guarded groups. Ryuna and the survivors of my army kept a careful watch on them, making sure they caused no trouble. I made my way past them, running quickly to the place where I had last seen Nadow and Hadar. It wasn't hard to find, for it was on the top of the plateau.

   Once I reached the top I immediately saw them both, and threw my helmet off and ran the rest of the way toward them. Both were laying exactly where they had been before, and I thought with growing sadness that my fears were confirmed, that they were both dead.

   But suddenly, I heard a cough and saw Nadow lift a hand in the air weakly. I swiftly ran to his side and crouched down, looking over his injuries. He had not only been stabbed in the chest, he had also been stabbed and slashed in countless other places, and a pool of blood had formed around him. Despite this, his eyes opened slightly and when he saw me he smiled.

   "You're alive... Praise Eru," He whispered hoarsely before coughing profusely. I took his hand in mind and lifted my canteen to his lips.

   "Shh, do not speak. You must keep up your strength."

   He squeezed my hand tightly and smiled. "You must always keep that positivity. It befits you."

   "It's not positivity, you'll need your strength," I said, frowning at his words.

   "No Rukil. I have no more strength to give, my time here is nearly gone." He coughed again. "I am glad that I was able to give what strength I had for your cause, my prince."

   "No Nadow, you're going to make it. You're safe now," I insisted. I wouldn't believe that he was dying... I couldn't.

   "I am safe now. And I am complete now too, I see that my cause was successful," He said with a weak smile. "You will lead the Death Bringers now. Lead them to glory."

   "Nadow, no! You'll lead them, you have to!" A tear fell down my face as I gripped his hand tighter.

   "You will make a great ruler, my brother," He said faintly. "I go now to my see my father, for he awaits me in paradise. Bring peace to the East. Bring peace to our people..."

   "I will... But I need your help, you can't..." I stopped as I felt his hand go limp, and his eyes glossed over.

   "No..." I whispered, tears flowing freely down my face. After a moment I ceased, and put two fingers on Nadow's forehead.

   "Rest in peace, knight of Rhun," I said, closing his eyes and tracing the symbol of my tribe over his forehead. He was a part of it now, even though he would never know it.

   A sharp gasp pulled my attention away from Nadow, and I looked in the direction it had come from. There I saw Hadar, alive and breathing in short breaths. I ran over to him, hoping that he wasn't dying. When he saw me his eyes opened wide and he attempted to sit up.

   "Rukil! If you're alive, it means we won! Is that so?" He quickly put a hand on his head in pain and lay back down.

   "Calm down, do not stress yourself. We won, though barely."

   "Is Khanar dead then?" Hadar asked hopefully.

   "Yes, I killed him myself," I replied. My face was still moist with tears and as soon as Hadar noticed, he grew worried.

   "Is Taryi alright? Did something happen to her?"

   I looked down at the ground. "I do not know. But Nadow didn't make it."

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