Chapter 33: Fire on the Water

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"Considering everything, I'd say that went quite well!" Hadar said as he looked up at the sky, which was beginning to grow bright with early morning light. The sun was piercing through the fog, which was quickly rising into the air.

   "As best as could be expected, I suppose," I said, shivering slightly. The encounter with the siren had unsettled me, to say the least. Seeing Layala's face again, even though it hadn't actually been her, had filled my mind with emotions that I had been hiding from since the beginning of the journey. I still missed her terribly, even though it had now been months since the Pit, and her death. I had tried to forget it all at first, and when that had failed I tried to fill my mind with other thoughts. And now even that was failing. How could I hope to be a good ruler if I couldn't even control my own emotions?

   "What do you think, Rukil?" Oros said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

   "About what?" I asked, since I had completely missed what he was asking me about.

   "About attemptin' to make a mad dash for the shore in hopes that the enemy won't catch up to us," He replied. "Weren't ye listenin' at all?"

   "My apologies, my mind was occupied," I said simply. "Was not our agreement to destroy the fleet though?"

   "Aye, it was..." Oros said, scratching his beard. "But ye see... I've been thinkin'. Perhaps we oughta just leave things as they are. What fun would there be in piratin' if there weren't hapless orcs chasin' us around the whole time?"

   "I feel like you're hiding your true intent," I said, cutting through his poor excuses.

   "Aye, well... ye see, I've been thinkin' about puttin' up me metaphorical skull and crossbones and startin' on a more profitable venture. They say the Orocarni are practically burstin' with gold! And all manner of other precious jewels! Mithril, even! And ye see, ta destroy the orc fleet now would be ruinin' legal trade ta some extent. So eh, what say we change the deal a little?"

   "What would be your idea of a new deal then?" I asked, crossing my arms.

   "Well, seein's how yer royalty and all... I was thinkin' we could cut some deals! Ye could boost up me tradin' power in Rhun and whatnot, provide escorts for my supplies!" He grinned. "We'd be trade partners!"

  "I'm not in charge of anything yet, and I'm in no position to be making deals..." I said. "But... That doesn't mean I won't consider them once I am in such a position," I added, smiling at the dwarf.

  "Aye, good then! Consider it done!" He exclaimed, grabbing my hand and shaking it profusely.

   "You have quite the penchant for making friends," Caledorn whispered a moment later, once we were out of earshot of Oros.

   "I'm not sure why..." I said, turning to lean on the rail of the ship. Just as I did I saw several black dots on the horizon.

   "Caledorn... What are those?" I asked, grabbing his shoulder and turning him to face them.

   "It's the Khandish fleet. Oros, take us close to shore!" Caledorn cried, peering out at the coast.

   "What are you looking for?" I asked.

   "Alatar was to send a flare up when he saw us and the enemy fleet. If he's still there we should see it soon."

   As if on cue, a bright red flame rose up into the sky from a large patch of bushes on the coast. Caledorn spun around on his heel and strode to Oros.

   "Stop the ship." He said firmly.

   "Why?" The dwarf asked, surprised at Caledorn's commanding demeanor.

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